They seem to make lots of good flash cms templates that has animation and sound.

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spinal cord,  you don t ever walk again, Tony
On Caristo s Watch
said gently.  So we all understand the new
rules, do we? Kelvin was turning blue.  Two
blinks for yes, one for no.
Two rapid blinks followed. Tony released
him just as Gregory s minions hustled over.
 Boss said Gregory gets to talk to him first, one
said, as Kelvin gasped for breath on the ground.
Tony looked at him until he started to
squirm on the spot.  I m just making sure the
message is clear.
He held out his hand toward Lydia, who
took it promptly. She stepped on Kelvin s groin
rather than over him and followed Tony out of
the club. He collected her coat, and she tucked
it under her arm. His annoyance was
threatening to bubble over. They rounded the
corner to the 4x4 in silence. He could feel
Lydia s wary glances on him, but he couldn t
speak for anger.
 I didn t know he was going to& 
She spoke. That was all it took. He took her
coat and threw it onto the seat, slamming the
Billy London
door behind it. Before she could even begin
to say anything else, he hooked a foot to the
wheel of the Range Rover bent her over his
knee and lifted the hem of her dress.
 What on earth?! she shrieked. He briefly
appreciated the tug at his dick from the
complete lack of underwear beneath the dress,
but set to his task: a short, sharp slap to her
naked buttocks.
 Don t poke the snake through the bars,
he commanded, proceeding with another slap.
 Don t start fights in places like that. And
 God s sake, Caristo!
 Tell me not to kill a prick who calls you a
bitch to your face. The last slap landed
between her buttocks, just at the top of her
thighs. His hand came away glistening.
Defiant as ever, Lydia muttered,  I didn t
quite understand that. Some idiot s playing
public school on my arse.
On Caristo s Watch
 Really? Challenge accepted, he thought.
The flesh beneath his palm was hot and
beginning to redden.  Feel that? Her little
scream told him yes.  Then you understood
He put his foot on the ground and
straightened her, not bothering to pull down
her dress. Her cheeks were as reddened as her
delectably round bottom, and she immediately
pressed her own hands to her hot skin.  Is that
 Lyds, you have no idea, he said softly,
brushing her hands aside to cup the cheeks of
her arse and pulling her into a hard kiss,
pressing her against the 4x4 door. She tasted
sugar sweet from the drink, and that unique
flavour that was all Lydia. The way she kissed
him back took him to a whole new level of
sensation, intensifying when her hands
tightened into fists on his T-shirt and she began
rubbing her bare pussy on his denim-covered
cock. He fumbled for the handle on the back
Billy London
door and wrenched it open. Before she could
say anything else to tempt him into halting and
giving her bottom another good going over, he
lifted her onto the seat and followed her inside,
resting an arm along the seat, levering the
majority of his weight away from her. Lydia
hooked her arms around his neck, and as she
scooted backwards, she pulled him into her
body for more kisses, taking his top lip into her
mouth and biting down on him. He was going
to smack her arse raw for that, he vowed. Really
hard, he added as her hands scooted under the
T-shirt and her nails grazed over his flat
nipples. His cock was pressing almost painfully
against the denim of his jeans, while the feel of
her petal-soft pussy lips drenched with cream
made him all the more hard. It was sensory
overload, the taste of her on his tongue, the feel
of her body beneath his, the scent of her desire.
He unzipped his jeans and firmly shoved the
zipper away from his cock. With less than
gentle insistence, her dress was pushed
underneath her breasts, freeing her arms from
On Caristo s Watch
the shoulders, and her bra was thrown onto the
front seat.
 I want to be on top, she breathed.
Marrying you, he promised, hooking an
arm around her waist and hoisting her onto his
lap and himself into a seated position.
 Bag, bag, she insisted.
 Sorted, he replied rather calmly, despite
the pre-cum leaking powerfully from his cock.
From under the seat he pulled out a roll of
condoms. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
