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a wheelchair and you will listen to Stefano who has orders to bring
you back here if you decide to do anything stupid. Any questions?
 Are you sure you re not a judge you re tough.
 I have to be when my patients are determined to be stub-
Stefano helped Brock into the wheelchair then took him up to
recovery where Myles met them.
 Brock, you remember Doctor Felix Myles?
 Yes, and let me say thank you for allowing this.
 We aim to please although this is highly abnormal.
 I think the situation warrants a little extraordinary means,
Hyun commented.
 I know Dustin has laid out his ground rules. You ll be the on-
ly ones in here for now which gives you a little leeway.
 Do I need to know anything? Brock asked.
Internet Bonds Series Book 8: After Glow
 You know about the miscarriage?
 I think I knew back at the house too much blood& 
 Let her lead. Not knowing how she ll handle the news, she
needs to know she s not to blame.
 If anyone s to take the blame for this, it s me, Brock stated.
 Judge Sanders, after conferring with my colleagues, I can ho-
nestly say neither one of you is at fault.
 I hope you re right.
* * * *
Dominique remembered very little after she d lost conscious-
ness in the darkness of what appeared to be a private room. She no-
ticed the modifications but what difference did it make? Being at
someone else s mercy took everything away.
One thing making itself openly known to her had been the
knife Dexter had thrown at her to stop her escape. She felt it go in
and every movement afterwards. She knew one thing while she
loved her husband and the child she carried, all she wanted had
been death quick and easy. Instead, she had to deal with torture.
In a numbed state, she heard Dexter s crude comments but
only one weighed on her, even through the darkness.
I owe you, bitch, and I always pay my debts no matter how long it
She shivered, unsure if from his threat or something else. Her
back felt like a huge intrusion had been removed. Is the knife gone?
Wait, didn t someone&
Confused, she lapsed back into her newly discovered safe ha-
Feeling pressure on her arm that tightened then released told
her help had finally come to her though she had no idea how.
Moving a little, she learned the truth of what had happened at
Dexter s hands. She sensed loneliness and felt the emptiness of
loss. Oh, my God, the baby& Her body shook out of control, tears
fighting to escape her closed eyes.
Internet Bonds Series Book 8: After Glow
 Dom? a voice said.
 Mistress Domino? the same voice whispered only now she
felt heat slowly making its way up her arm and through her body.
Brock? Wanting to say something, she couldn t due to a harsh tube
in her throat. Where the hell am I? Again, she tried to move.
 Mistress, don t. I don t want you opening your back again.
Doctor Myles put a lot of time into repairing the damage and is just
as fussy as Dustin.
Dominique heard Brock s voice, praying she hadn t imagined
it. Feeling his hand holding hers, she tried to squeeze it but felt like
nothing happened.
 That s it, the voice said.  You re doing great.
She tried again, feeling a little stronger and more successful.
 Doctor, I think she s coming out of it.
 Good, a strange voice said.  In a few minutes, we ll remove
the tube so she can breathe easier using the nasal tubing. Her vitals
are looking great.
 Come on, Dom, the familiar voice coaxed.  As your slave, I
beg you to come back to me.
Her hand tightened around his, her mind trying to dominate
her own body. The mere touch of his lips to her hand drove her to
increase her determination to return to him and their life together.
Slowly opening her eyes, she looked straight into Brock s bril-
liantly dark-blue eyes the same ones catching her attention the
night they met at the Mansion. Of course, that happened after she
laid eyes on his gorgeous shaft my cock. Groaning, she tried to
move, Brock calming her.
 They don t want you moving around too much, he told her.
 Please, I don t want you bleeding again.
She squeezed his hand again, the only thing she could do.
Internet Bonds Series Book 8: After Glow
Moments later, one of the nurses gently eased the trach tube
out of her throat then her mouth. She gasped, Brock calming her as
he placed ice chips on her lips.
 Take it easy, Mrs. Sanders. We don t want you nauseated.
 Brock? she whispered.
 I m here.
 The baby& 
 I know.
 I m sorry, I& 
 It s not your fault. I blame myself.
 We can have more and if not, we have each other.
 Mrs. Sanders, we ll get you up to your room in a few mo-
ments but I have to warn you your roommate has a definite stub-
born streak and a judicial attitude.
 Brock? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
