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Kyra secreted away a smile. She could distinctly remember a time when
that endearment had annoyed her mightily, yet now it was one of the sweetest
sentiments she d ever heard tell of. Gliding her hands over his muscled
buttocks, she moaned greedily as he continued to ease in and out of her.  I
love you, Zor Q an Tal. High King or common man, there could only be you.
 Ahnee ka .
Kyra smiled fully. She opened her eyes and made a thorough study of his
features.  And thanks, by the way, for what you did for Death and Glok.
Zor grunted as he slid into Kyra s channel and ground his hips into
hers.  Let us not speak of them whilst we couple,pani .
 But I m serious. Kyra groaned out her praise of Zor s prowess before
returning to the topic of her choosing.  That was so nice of you, making them
both high lords. I can t believe mmmm.
Zor silenced her with a long, heady kiss that came complete with
tongues, lips, and a whole lot of love. Picking up the pace of their mating,
he thrust into Kyra s inviting cunt faster and faster, their mouths never
breaking contact.
When the moment of truth grew closer and Zor realized he was but
moments from spurting his life-force, he broke off the kiss in favor of gazing
into Kyra s eyes. He pounded into her harder, possessively.  Aye or nay, Zor
gritted out, his hips slamming into hers.  Aye or nay,nee ka .
Kyra s hips thrashed upwards to meet her husband s, her own thrusts
eager and needful.  Aye, she moaned out.  Yes Zor do it.
 Your pleasure is mine,nee ka .
And with those prophetic words, the High King of Tryston and the
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Emperor of Trek Mi Q an lowered his head and gorged.
Three Weeks Later
The High King and High Queen of Tryston threw a small, intimate party
to celebrate the arrival of their fourth hatchling, another girl child named
Klea. Zor was imminently pleased, as Klea s birth was yet further proof that
his seed was fiercely potent. And since Kil had seemed relieved by Klea s
hatching most likely because he wasn t yet ready to deal with the intense
emotions a Sacred Mate brings with her Zor was all around elated, his
happiness lessened by naught.
The gathering included all the Q an Tal brothers and their hatchlings,
plus Kyra, Geris, and Cam. Much to Zor s disgruntlement, as he was still not
ready to accept the fact that he would be relieved of Kara the very day she
turned twenty and five, Kyra had insisted upon inviting Cam to the celebration
and would brooch no arguments to the contrary. If he was to become her
son-in-law, she had declared, then he was also to be a regular attendee at
family functions.
Kyra had more or less persuaded Zor to her way of thinking, debating
with him that since family gatherings would be but a couple of times a year,
there was no harm in including Cam. She wanted, after all, for Kara not to be
afraid of the warrior, a warrior that gossip held would no doubt rise to the
rank of high lord within the year.
Speaking of high lords, two more attendees showed up at the Q an
Tal/Q ana Tal soiree. Kyra smiled brightly as the two men now referred to as
Lord Death and Lord Glok made their way to the table.
Already, and they had gained control of their sectors scarcely two
weeks past, the two unique high lords were turning out to be quite popular
leaders amongst those they protected. Death had displayed a military-like
precision while taking control first of his own sector and then aiding with
Glok s, which had only further flamed Zor s curiosity regarding the giant s
Anyway, the high lords sectors were now firmly under control. In their
sectors, Kyra was pleased to note, moonshinematpow had been declared legal.
She planned to visit both of them very soon.
Death had also announced his intention to hunt for his Sacred Mate,
much to Kyra and Geris s delight. He d never given the concept much thought,
he had said, but now that he needed heirs, he decided it was past time.
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The women had merely nodded, holding back smiles, trying to imagine the
look of unadulterated panic that would cross hisnee ka s face when Lord Death
beat on his tattooed chest and came barreling toward her like a charging
predator. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
