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 What luck to find you in the first place I looked.
Glancing up with a smile, she beheld Lord St. Vincent. His golden-amber hair seemed to absorb the
sunlight. His coloring was unquestionably Anglo-Saxon, but the dramatic lines of his cheekbones, angled
at a rather tigerish slant, and the sensuous fullness of his wide mouth gave him a singularly exotic appeal.
 Aren t you leaving for the race meeting? Lillian asked.
 In a moment. I wanted to speak to you first. St. Vincent glanced at the space beside her.  May I?
 But we re alone, she said.  And you always insist on a chaperone.
 Today I ve changed my mind.
 Oh. Her smile held a slightly tremulous curve.  In that case, do have a seat. She colored as it
occurred to her that this was the exact spot where she had seen Lady Olivia and Mr. Shaw embracing so
passionately. From the glint in St. Vincent s eyes, it was apparent that he remembered too.
 Come the weekend, he said,  the house party will be over& and then it s back to London.
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 You must be eager to return to the amusements of town life, Lillian remarked.  For a rake, your
behavior has been surprisingly tame.
 Even we dissipated rakes need an occasional holiday. A constant diet of depravity would become
Lillian smiled.  Rake or no, I have enjoyed your friendship these past days, my lord. As the words left
her lips, she was surprised to realize that they were true.
 Then you think of me as a friend, he said softly.  That s good.
 Because I would like to continue seeing you.
Her heart quickened its pace. Although the remark was not unexpected, she was caught off-guard
nonetheless.  In London? she asked inanely.
 Wherever you happen to be. Is that agreeable to you?
 Well, of course, it & I& yes.
As he stared at her with those fallen-angel eyes and smiled, Lillian was forced to agree with Daisy s
assessment of St. Vincent s animal magnetism. He looked like a man who was born to sin& a man who
could make sinning so enjoyable that one hardly minded paying the price afterward.
St. Vincent reached for her slowly, his fingers sliding from her shoulders to the sides of her throat.
 Lillian, my love. I m going to ask your father for permission to court you.
She breathed unsteadily against the caressing framework of his hands.  I am not the only available
heiress you could pursue.
His thumbs smoothed the gentle hollows of her cheeks, and his dark brown lashes half lowered.  No,
he answered frankly.  But you re by far the most interesting. Most women aren t, you know. At least not
out of bed. He leaned closer, until the heated touch of his whisper warmed her lips.  I daresay you ll be
interestingin bed as well.
Well, here it was, Lillian thought dazedly the long-awaited advance and then her thoughts were
muddled as his mouth moved over hers in a light caress. He kissed as if he were the first man who had
ever discovered it, with a lazy expertise that seduced her by slow degrees. Even with her limited
experience, she perceived that the kiss was wrought more of technique than emotion, but her stunned
senses didn t seem to care as he drew a helpless response from her with every tender shift of his mouth.
He built her pleasure at an unhurried pace, until she gasped against his lips and turned her head weakly
His fingers slid over the hot surface of her cheek, and he gently pressed her head to his shoulder.  I ve
never courted anyone before, he murmured, his lips playing near her ear.  Not for honorable purposes,
at any rate.
 You re doing quite well for a beginner, she said against his coat.
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Laughing, he eased away from her, and his warm gaze coasted over her flushed face.  You re lovely,
he said softly.  And fascinating.
And wealthy,she added silently. But he was doing a very good job of convincing her that he desired her
for more than financial reasons. She appreciated that. Forcing a smile to her lips, she stared at the
enigmatic but charming man who might very well become her husband.Your Grace , she thought. That [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
