They seem to make lots of good flash cms templates that has animation and sound.

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didn t doubt it for a minute. She d never known such scorching, humid heat. Damn.
Tornadoes in the spring and unbearable heat throughout the entire summer. These
people were nuts for living here. She turned the knob on the dash to crank the air-
conditioning. The late Nineties compact car had cost her six thousand dollars, less than
she d paid for the first car she d had when she was here, which was now totaled. That
left four thousand dollars in her personal account.
 If you want to run across the country and chase after this carpenter man, you
aren t going to do it without any money. Her father had been more than generous with
his goodbye gift of an additional ten grand, which she d deposited into another account
that she wouldn t touch unless there was an emergency.
Granted, he was sure she d be back when the money ran out. For now, that was
enough. Her father gave her his blessing in the only way he knew how, with money.
She didn t want to leave New York with the two of them arguing, and the check for ten
thousand dollars was his way of saying they d made peace.
Thoughts of New York faded as she drove the country road to Windy Hills. The
rolling, grassy fields, the incredibly tall old trees, the endless deep blue sky& all of it
brought back memories both good and bad.
She flexed her fingers on the steering wheel, holding it firmly at ten and two as she
remembered the day she and Aunt Lisa had driven this same way to their new home.
She d been terrified at the time. Ironically enough, she was about in the same state now.
Her mind whirled with possible outcomes of her return to Windy Hills. She pictured
Luke the first time she met him, and watched him bend and stretch as he measured for
her deck. That deck had never come to be. And the house was sold. She d barely broken
even on that. Pearl Lake wasn t for her though. She didn t want to be part of a country
suburbia. She wanted to be part of the country. Part of Luke s world. She wanted it to
be her world.
The speed limit changed and she slowed her car, turning the air-conditioning down
when she noticed the temperature gauge suffering past the halfway mark. No more
brand-new cars for her. Her father said she wouldn t be able to handle roughing it, but
as beads of sweat formed on her skin and the glaring sun blasted through the windows,
it didn t affect her half as much as worrying how the town would handle her return.
Maybe she should have called someone first, given them some kind of fair warning.
Six months had passed. For some, that was an eternity. But the kind of eternity she had
in mind with Luke would last a lot longer. And what if he did have another woman in
his life?
She d have to cross that bridge if she came to it. And that s why she was here. She
slowed further to the speed limit of twenty and smiled at the familiar buildings as she
entered Windy Hills. A police car came at her from the opposite direction and she
strained to see the driver.
 Oh my God, she cried out, waving like a fool at the surprised Officer Bentley
when she recognized him. The first man she d shared the truth of her past with, Bentley
did a double take. She watched in her rearview mirror when he did a u-turn behind her.
Well, she might as well find out the news of the town firsthand before going any
farther. Officer Bentley followed her as she pulled into a stall in front of the café. She
turned off her car and stepped eagerly out into the scorching summer heat.
 Am I welcome in your town? she asked the cop, unable to stop the grin that had
to spread clear across her face.
The older cop wiped his brow and shook his head as a slow smile spread across his
face.  Well, I ll be Gawdamned, he said in a slow drawl.  Would you look at you.
She sucked in a breath, rubbing her damp palms down her T-shirt and shorts while
waiting to hear what he had to say.
 Let s get you out of the heat. Officer Bentley put his hand on her back and guided
her into the café, not waiting for anyone to appear from the kitchen before bellowing
out his announcement.  Beaux. Betty. Come look at what the cat dragged in.
The couple appeared through the kitchen door, both of them quickly wiping their
hands off on towels. Their tired expressions faded and they both stopped in their tracks
when they saw Susie.
 Oh dear Lord. Betty spoke first and then in the next second hurried around the
counter and almost tackled Susie in a bear hug.
She couldn t help laughing and fought a tear or two at the warm welcome as all
three adults surrounded her and started talking at once.
 What are we thinking? Betty stopped the conversation, putting Susie at arm s
length.  Honey, are you okay? Should you sit down? I didn t hurt you, did I?
Lorie O Clare
 I m fine. Susie stared at the glowing faces that looked back at her, concern and
excitement showing in their expressions.  It s been a long, slow recovery, and way too
many days in court to get my ex behind bars. But it s all done now. And&  She sucked
in a breath, noting the changes in their faces as they guessed why she d returned.  And
well, I thought I might see if there s a life for me here.
 Oh baby. Betty forgot about being concerned and pulled Susie back into her arms.
 Beaux. Quick. Get Luke on the phone. Lady, he will be so happy to see you. He s been
a changed man since you ve been gone.
Chapter Nineteen
Mark and Matt Roge looked like helpless, oversized boys standing in the middle of
the living room. For a moment, Luke saw his little brothers as they were when they
were kids, looking up to him for answers.
 I don t think we can make the place shine any more than it does right now. Matt
shrugged as he looked around.
 Aunt Lisa had this place as clean as well as Mom used to have it. Luke scowled,
ignoring the torn tendon in his leg and leaning on the crutch that he hated having to
 Well, neither of them are here, Mark pointed out, shrugging just as Matt had.
The two of them weren t identical twins, Matt being older by ten minutes. Growing
up, they had confused more than one teacher and interested girl before it was all said
and done. And as was true of most twins, Luke guessed, they had their fun with a
prank or two, intentionally confusing folks as to which one of them was which. To
Luke, they were as different as day and night.
 And the place sure as hell shows it, too, Luke grumbled.
 Are you insulting our housekeeping skills? Matt raised his eyebrows, making a
show of looking appalled.
 Damn straight I am. He hobbled over to the couch and picked up the paper, then
slapped it against Matt s gut.  If this damned leg of mine would behave, I d be able to
get shit in order properly.
 Chill out, man, Mark scolded, jumping out of the way when Luke pointed his
crutch at him.  A woman likes knowing you can t make it without her. Once your Susie
girl is here, she ll have the place sparkling with home cooking on the stove.
 Once she s here, you two won t be. He d never kick his brothers out. After all, all [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
