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notified. As far as the Claw is concerned, it's business as usual."
Even Blair had to frown at that.
"But there could be Pilgrim saboteurs aboard this ship,"Andover challenged.
"And no offense, sir, but rumor has it that you're a Pilgrim yourself."
"You're out of line," Gerald said, glowering at the Marine.
"No, she's just curious," Paladin corrected. "Yes, I descend from
Pilgrims. In fact, I could be a saboteur. If it makes you feel more
comfortable to place me under guard, then by all means do so. However, I
should mention that your skipper's had people watching me since the moment I
hit the flight deck." He shot Gerald a black smile. "I won't attempt to prove
my loyalty in this room. But let's get out there, then I'll show you whose
side I'm on. Deal?"
"Yes, sir."
"I'm also a Pilgrim," Blair said, launching to his feet. He turned to face
the others. "You can place me under guard as well."
"Sit down, Lieutenant," Gerald ordered. "Most of us are already aware of your
Blair complied as Angel quickly added, "Lieutenant Blair single-handedly
saved our entire squadron today. I respectfully suggest that anyone who needs
more proof should first submit to a psyche ops evaluation."
"All right, enough," snapped Gerald. "The last thing we want to do is create
an atmosphere of paranoia. Just keep your people informed and do your jobs.
As the group dispersed, Blair sensed that no one had really been satisfied by
the briefing, that it had probably created more questions than it had
answered. However, one question remained that Paladin could answer. Blair
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hurried to catch the commodore, who had exchanged a few words with Gerald and
now moved to the hatch. "Sir?"
"Hello again, Lieutenant. We seem to keep running into each other during
times of crisis. Who's got the bad luck? You or me?"
Blair flashed a smile. "As a junior officer, I assume responsibility for the
bad luck, sir."
"As you should," he said with mock seriousness. "And we should make this
brief to avoid more rumors."
"I can deal with that. Guess if I wasn't a Pilgrim, I'd be suspicious, too.
Admiral Tolwyn told me that the wounds of civil war run deep. He was right."
"He usually is. Well, you look good, Mr. Blair. And it's a pleasure to see
you again. Now, if you'll excuse me "
"Sir, I have to ask. Do they know about you and Amity?"
He paused, his eyes growing reflective. "The admiral does. Probably why he
wants me on this. Sometimes you can fall in love with someone and never really
know them. But her? I really thought I knew her."
Blair watched him go, taking with him memories so vivid that he probably
lived more in them now than anywhere else. Those memories had taken up
residence in his shadow, in his heart, in his dreams. Blair worried for the
man and wished there was more he could do.
"Are you going to stand there all morning? Or are you going to have breakfast
with me?"
He turned, his heart missing a beat as he stared at Angel, alone and beaming
at him. "Yes, ma'am."
"That's very good, Lieutenant. You're learning."
"I'm a quick study," he said, raising his brows.
She shuffled past him. "There's a lot to learn."
Chapter 7
Vega Sector,Day Quadrant
Midpoint Lafayette and Tamayo Systems
1430 Hours Confederation Standard Time
William Santyana swore at the two Pilgrim Marine guards who had escorted him
from the flight deck to his quarters, then he slammed the hatch in their
faces. He entered the main living area and threw his helmet at the viewport.
It bounced off the Plexi and hit the floor with a clang that sent Lacey
running into the room. "Daddy?" The three-year-old looked at the helmet.
"Why'd you throw that?"
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"Daddy's just mad, honey. That's all."
"Will?" Pris appeared in the narrow corridor that led to the bedroom. She
wore a white robe made of a fabric that resembled silk, though it lacked the
luster. Pictorial symbols Santyana recognized as Pilgrim "storicals" had been
stitched into the hem, sleeves, and collar of the robe, forming an ornate, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
