They seem to make lots of good flash cms templates that has animation and sound.

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looked over at the two men and made a show of licking Jane like she was a desert.
 Mmmm, Candy moaned loudly.  You taste so good, Janie.
 Christ, that s hot, Mr. Fischer muttered, and when Candy glanced at him again,
his cock was out of his pants and he was rubbing it fast.
She continued to fuck Jane with the dildo and lick her pussy until the other girl
cried out and jerked on the bed.  Oh, oh, oh, Daddeeeee, she called out to him as she
came. Mr. Fischer gave a strangled groan and his red cock head spurted white cream,
just like her Daddy s did when he was excited.
Candy loved how their guests were enjoying the party. It made her pussy throb
and ache and her little nipples go as hard as diamonds. She hoped that later, Jane
would lick her and suck on her titties.
After Jane was finished, Candy slid the wet dildo from inside her and licked it
clean while she gazed into her Daddy s eyes. She knew he wanted to take his cock out
like Mr. Fischer had, but he kept it in his trousers, a big, thick bulge.
Candy helped Jane pull her panties up and smooth down her dress. She put on
her socks and tried to buckle her shoes, but it was too hard and Mr. Fischer had to
finish for her. And just in time, too, because the doorbell rang again. Their last visitor
had arrived.
Candy was surprised when she went with her Daddy to answer the door. The
child named Chris was not a girl but a boy. She hadn t known there would be a little boy
at the party. He was with his Daddy, Mr. Bryce.
Chris was a tall boy, even taller than his Daddy. He had blond hair like Janie only
darker. He looked at Candy and then down at his feet.
 Come in, Daddy Bob said.  Come and sit down and we ll start the games.
The three Daddies sat on chairs, but their little ones sat on the floor near their
feet. Janie sat close to Candy and held her hand. They were best friends now. Both of
them stared uncertainly at the strange boy.
Daddy Bob broke the awkward silence by getting the children to play games.
They pinned the tail on the donkey and Janie won. She got a prize and the others
watched her open a sparkly necklace that flashed lights. She put it around her neck.
The played hot potato next and Chris was the first one stuck holding the ball so
he was out of the game. He seemed happy to crawl over to his Daddy and lean against
his knee. Mr. Bryce petted his head and leaned to whisper something to him. Chris
looked up at him and his Daddy brushed his hair back from his forehead and kissed him
tenderly. When the music stopped again, Candy was holding the star-spangled ball.
Janie had won again. This time her prize was a huge, all-day sucker. She smiled and
winked at her Daddy as she received it.
 Let s let the kids play on their own for a little bit, Mr. Bryce suggested.  See
what they get up to.
The men poured drinks at the bar and the little girls and boy sat looking at each
other, trying to decide what to do. Candy felt like she should get things moving since it
was her house. The dildo had been a big hit with Janie, perhaps Chris would like to play
that kind of game too. She slid in close beside him on one side and Jane on his other
side. Jane offered them all licks of her big sucker.
 How old are you, Chris? Candy asked.  I m seven.
 Me, too.
 Do you live with your Daddy all the time?
He shook his head.  No. Sometimes I have to go to work and be a grown up.
 That s too bad. How about you, Janie?
 I have a job, too.
Candy thought how lucky she was to be able to be a little girl all the time. She
leaned close to Chris and whispered loudly,  Have you ever had a girl touch your
winkie? Can Janie and me look at it?
 I guess so, he mumbled.
Candy exchanged glances with Jane then she reached for the zipper of Chris s
short pants. She pulled the zipper down and drew out Chris s soft penis. It wasn t nearly
as impressive as Daddy s, but she knew how to make it grow bigger. She rubbed her
hand up and down until the shaft grew stiff and stood up straight.
 Cool. Janie stared at the boy s erection.  Can I touch it? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
