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worry about could be resumed in the morning. Dawn would come soon enough.
Reckless Heart 105
Chapter Thirteen
As it turned out, Cam made it to Thanksgiving dinner, but only barely. The
plane was scheduled to arrive at four, an hour before they were supposed to sit
down for the evening meal at Beau and Adam s home. Rather than taking the extra
time to hassle with a rental car, Milo happily volunteered to pick Cam up and drove
an hour to the Roanoke Regional Airport to meet him.
At ten past four, Milo paced back and forth in the small area just outside of
security, still waiting for Cam to appear. His nerves were stretched taut from worry
over when Cam s plane would arrive, how late they would be, and whether Cam
would be able to stay for more than a day or two. The last time they d spoken, Cam
was still working out the details and negotiating with whomever he wanted to fill in
for him.
Before he could convince himself of the worst like Cam missing the plane
Cam came waltzing by security. As soon as he spotted Milo, a smile blossomed on
his face and softened his features. His pace lengthened and brought him to within
feet of where Milo stood.
Milo closed the distance between them and hugged Cam hard, holding on tight
for a touch too long, if the weird looks being shot in their direction were any
indication. People were staring at them. As much as Milo wanted to ignore their
surroundings, it just wasn t a good idea. Roanoke wasn t the most liberal area.
With a touch of regret, Milo slapped Cam on the back and released him.  It s
really good to see you.
 You too. Cam took a step back.  I could get used to a welcome like that.
 You can count it. That and more. Milo winked.
106 Amanda Young
 Sounds good to me.
 Let s pick up your luggage and get out of here. On the way down the stairs to
the first floor, he asked,  So, how long can you stay this time around?
 I have ten days. My return flight is scheduled for next Sunday. Darryl Oats, a
member on the board of trustees, is going to cover for me. He s been gagging to take
over some of my duties especially courting the single females. I told him if he did
well, we could talk about his taking over on a permanent basis.
 That s great. Does that mean you ll have more free time?
 No, not really. Cam headed over to the luggage carousel.  I may actually
have less.
 Oh. Milo frowned. That certainly wasn t what he wanted to hear.
 It can t really be helped. You see, there s this guy I m secretly crazy about
who s sucking up all my frequent-flier miles and any spare time I can set aside.
Milo glanced over at Cam and found him grinning. He rolled his eyes.  Prick.
With a laugh, Cam pointed at the conveyor belt.  There s my bag.
With Cam s suitcase in tow, the two men made haste toward the exit and out
into the parking lots beyond. Thanks to Milo s being forced to park in the long-term
lot, they had a little farther to walk than normal. Fortunately, the weather was
mild, even though it was the last week of November. The breeze had a bit of a bite,
but the sun was bright and the sky clear. Milo was grateful. He d never cared for
driving in the snow under the best of circumstances, much less in the Jeep, which
was going to need new tires before the first big storm of the year. He d meant to
have them replaced already, but he kept putting off spending the money.
During the entire walk, the heat of Cam s gaze caressed Milo. By the time they
reached the Jeep, he was shivering from pent-up desire more than the effects of the
chilly wind. He unlocked Cam s door, then traveled around to the other side and got
into the vehicle. Although he was tempted to jump Cam and beg his lover to warm
Reckless Heart 107
him up using a little fiction and creativity, Milo started the Jeep and cranked the
heater instead.
After all, neither of them needed to be arrested for public indecency on
Once they were in the vehicle, it seemed as if a cocoon of safety settled over
them and buffered them from the world outside. Milo leaned across the console,
seeking physical reassurance that nothing had changed. To his relief, Cam met him
halfway, seeming every bit as eager for the connection as Milo.
The soft brush of Cam s lips brought to mind the last night they d spent
together. Without thought, he summoned the feel of Cam s supple mouth combing
over other, more intimate parts of his anatomy. He couldn t wait to experience it
again for real. Heat unfurled low in his stomach at the thought of all the different
ways he planned to make Cam come before dawn.
All too soon, the heat of Cam s mouth vanished and was replaced with the cool
swish of air flying through the vents. Milo opened his eyes and found Cam gazing at
him with a tender expression.  I m really glad you re here.
Cam slid his hand over Milo s thigh.  Me too.
With a smile, Milo released the emergency brake and put the Jeep in reverse.
After carefully backing out of the tight parking spot, Milo started the hour-long
drive back to Blacksburg.
During the ride, the talk was small, but the burgeoning emotions Milo felt
every time he glanced over at the man riding shotgun were huge and more than a
little frightening. He d always imagined love as some kind of over-the-top rush of
giddiness. Instead, what he got was the emotional equivalent of a roller-coaster
Lost in thought, Milo didn t notice the light ahead changing from green to
yellow until it was too late to stop. Rather than slam on the brakes, he hit the gas
and sped through the intersection.
108 Amanda Young
Cam grabbed onto the  oh shit handle above the door.  Jesus, Milo. What s the
 We re going to be late.
 We ll be even later if you kill us on the way there.
Milo chuckled and spared a quick sideways glance at Cam.  That makes no
 Well, you know what I m trying to say.
 I think so, yeah. If it makes you feel any better, I promise not to kill us. I m a
good driver. Really. I ve never even had a speeding ticket.
 There s a first time for everything.
 Hardy har har.
The rest of the drive was spent chatting about all the little things neither of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
