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other issues at work. Raine appeared untouched by it all, but her uncle held in check a
barely suppressed rage, and Jack noted he could not meet his niece s eyes.
 So we re in agreement. Should we get down to the fine points, then?
Salazar looked to Jack, then to Kerr, and a strange light came into his cold black
eyes.  Jack, Raine, we ll meet up later at my brownstone this afternoon to work out our
particulars. If you ll give us some privacy, Kerr and I have other matters to discuss.
This confirmed Jack s suspicion. Something was going on, something wild and
juicy. Ramon looked up to no good right now. Jack itched to be back in the thick of it,
something he d never imagined possible.  Time s wasting, Ramon. Let s ink the deal.
 Later, Jack. Plenty of time this afternoon. There was a finality in the dismissal that
didn t allow for argument.
Jack shrugged. One door shut for now, but he d find another.  Fine. So glad we
could have this little reunion.
Raine appeared equally as startled by the turn of events, but did manage to say a civil
goodbye to her uncle and his crazy boss. She followed Jack into the antechamber.
With the last of his energy, he used the residual magic from the first spell to blow
open the doors to the hall, and they walked by a stunned Wiggans and his security team.
There was a good deal of ranting from Wiggans, resulting in an armed escort as they
waited for, and then boarded the elevator. Raine stayed silent and stoic. Jack made some
cracks to the security force, but they didn t respond to his half-hearted attempts.
 I m sorry you had to deal with that prize ass, he said to Raine when they stepped
outside the Warden s building. The words came out stilted and sounded idiotic, but he
felt he had to say something. He was trying to figure all the angles, including hers.  You
were right to ask for the moon. You re risking your life for them. They owe you.
 I m not doing it for them. I m doing it for me. She broke free of his hold and
stepped clear of him as if he carried the plague.  Just like you, Jack. I m in it for me.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Or is that wicked seductions?
Devil Take Me
© 2008 Anna J. Evans
Annie Theophilus is used to life not going her way, but now the future is looking
bright. She s engaged and finally getting her happily-ever-after until she catches her
fiancé cheating. The garage seems to be the safest place for a well-deserved crying jag.
Instead, it proves to be a portal from hell, out of which a sexy denizen of the underworld
has just emerged.
Namtar, one-time death-bringer to mortals, has come through an Earth portal for one
thing power. If he can convince a human to willingly sacrifice mortality for eternity in
the Underworld, he will gain the power he needs to get the queen off her throne and
secure a future for his people.
But Annie s seduction doesn t go as smoothly as planned. Somehow she steals a
piece of his heart, and he finds himself struggling with a depth of feeling he s never
known. Now, thanks to his own hesitation, they re on the run from a murderous ex-fiancé
and a few enraged demons.
How can he ask her to give him her soul when all he can offer her is pain?
Warning: This book contains sex in a garage, sex on the run, and shades of BDSM
experimentation between willing partners as well as graphic depictions of an insane
demon queen punishing her male and female lovers with stuff that puts the ick in icky& I
mean kinky.
Enjoy the following excerpt for Devil Take Me:
Annie smiled and grabbed his keys from the dish by the door, happy they seemed to
have made up so quickly. Sometimes their fights lasted for days, leaving her a mass of
nervous symptoms by the time Roger finally quit brooding around the condo and
slamming in and out of the door.
She took the stairs down to their garage at a trot, feeling decidedly more light hearted
and even a little excited to go on her errand. Roger rarely let her drive his sporty little
silver Mercedes and it was fun to roll back the top on the convertible and let the wind
blow through her curls. Heck, she might even get a bottle of wine to go with Roger s
beer. It had been a long time since she d had her favorite chardonnay and her class didn t
meet until eleven o clock in the morning.
She could sleep in a little if she felt fuzzy, even though she had been getting up at six
thirty to cook Roger breakfast. She didn t want him to feel resentful that she got such a
long summer break and lawyering stopped for no man or season. But one morning
probably wouldn t matter.
Ten minutes later, she was pulling up to the liquor store, still smiling from the feel of
the summer sun on her face and the wind in her hair, when she realized she d forgotten
her purse. Again.
Roger was going to kill her. Her scatterbrained tendencies drove him crazy. She was
always forgetting her purse or locking her keys in the car or leaving school without the
stack of papers she was supposed to grade. Annie blamed it on an overactive imagination
but Roger saw it as a sign of less-than-desirable mental health.
The last thing she needed was the  maybe you need to get on some sort of
medication talk again. She knew some people needed medicine to get by, to battle
depression or stabilize their moods, but she didn t think she was one of those people. She
was happy most of the time, and she never endangered anyone with her forgetfulness.
Frantically, she searched through Roger s ashtray and the little hidey-hole between
the bucket seats. After two or three minutes and a very undignified hunt underneath the
seats themselves, she managed to scrape up nearly six dollars. It was enough for the beer,
but not the wine she d been looking forward to. Still, given the choice between wine and
a night free from ranting about her space cadet tendencies, she knew exactly which one
she d choose.
With a sigh of relief, she locked the car and dashed into the store. She grabbed
Roger s favorite brew and headed to the checkout, already planning her excuse as to why
she hadn t filled up the car. She would just tell Roger the gas station on the corner had
been out of the Premium brand and she hadn t wanted his beer to get hot. Then she d pop
the top on one of his bottles, discretely grab her purse and head back out to the car. A
little falsehood, but nothing that would keep her up at night wallowing in her own guilt.
 ID please, the clerk at the counter said, with a look that said she doubted Annie
was old enough to buy cigarettes, let alone alcohol.
 I m thirty, I swear to God on a stack of Bibles, cross my heart and hope to die. I
know I look young but it s just because I ve gained weight. I promise I ll come in and
show you my ID tomorrow but I forgot my purse. See, I was even going to pay with
change from the car, Annie babbled with a laugh as she held up the three rumpled
dollars and fistful of quarters she had managed to scrounge from the floorboards of the
 Sorry, I can t do that. The woman didn t look sorry, she looked supremely
disinterested, barely sparing Annie a second glance before she turned her attention back
to her long, fire engine red nails. The nails even had little flames on the tips, making
Annie wonder if the clerk was trying to project a she-witch-from-hell image or if it was
merely a lucky coincidence her manicure reflected her personality.
 Listen, my fiancé had a really, really bad day and is dying for a beer. He s going to [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
