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that I had let read, encouraged him to fuck me a couple of
times. Glen was a wonderful lover, gentle and caring and
always concerned for my pleasure. I was thinking of
Delta | Brian Holliday
suggesting we try it again when he rolled us over with me on
 Ethan, I want you inside me, he said, in that sultry
voice I d grown to love.
 You sure? Glen was always so sexually aggressive I
had figured him for strictly a top. To find out he was
versatile, like me, was a nice surprise. When he nodded, his
eyes dilating with excitement, I reached for the lube and a
condom. Everything we d done together so far had been
wonderful, and I wanted this to be good for him; I had the
feeling he didn t submit all that often. I tried to take my time
making him ready, but he squirmed with impatience.
 No, Ethan, I want you now& right now!
There was no way I was going to argue. I kissed him one
more time and then started to ease into him, as slowly as he
would allow. As I felt myself penetrate that first tight ring of
muscle, Glen threw his head back and screamed there is
no other word for it. I was horrified and tried to pull back,
thinking I had hurt him beyond bearing, but he wrapped his
strong legs around my waist.
 Don t stop, he commanded, voice raw. His eyes found
mine and there was something different about them, about
the shape of his face, too, but I couldn t think well enough to
understand it.
 Close your eyes, he said, pleading now, and I did as he
asked, feeling him pull me in deeper, legs tightening, his
hands moving over my back. I knew something strange was
happening, but I didn t want to care, I only wanted to feel.
Putting my mind on hold, I let my body have its way,
thrusting hard and deep, glorying in the wild sensations,
Delta | Brian Holliday
spurred on by the guttural growls rolling out of Glen s
I don t know how long I fucked him; I only know his
heat brought me off much sooner than I would have liked. As
I came, I heard a gasping cry that mixed with my own, felt
his body spasm, and knew that Glen was right there with
me. Drained and sweating, I opened my eyes and froze in
shock. I d encountered some strange things in my life, but
nothing to prepare me for this.
The body beneath me flowed with shining dark fur,
thick patches on the shoulders and arms shrinking a little as
I watched. The black velvet face was relaxed, eyes closed,
moist pink tongue lying over a row of sharp teeth that
became more human by the second. The sigh that issued
from the wide mouth was almost a purr. His legs and claw-
tipped fingers released me and there was nothing left to
connect us but my still-erect phallus. I didn t move, but held
breathlessly still and watched with fascination as the cat-
man resumed Glen s familiar features.
 Glen? I said at last. His eyes opened to find me
staring. I can t imagine what my expression must have been.
 Ethan, I& . Glen turned his face away from me.  God,
I m so sorry. He tried to pull away, but I rolled us to our
sides and he buried his face in my neck.  It shouldn t have
happened, he whispered.  I tried so hard not to let it
happen. But I feel so comfortable with you, I got so excited, I
lost control& and now I ve ruined everything. His chest
surged with a single sob.  I never wanted you to know what I
 Glen, look at me. His eyes, soft and blue and human,
met mine. I hated the uncertainty and fear I saw there. Some
Delta | Brian Holliday
tight emptiness inside me loosened and bloomed and
suddenly everything seemed very clear. I knew I d been
waiting a very long time for this man and this moment, and I
wasn t going to let him get away.
 It doesn t matter, Glen. I don t care that you re
different. I ve never said this to anyone before, but& I love
you. And that was the beginning.
That was the only time Glen accidentally changed
during sex. But once he found that his wild side didn t
frighten me, I had to watch out for his playful moods those
times I might find a panther under the covers. Glen hadn t
had all that many lovers and no long-term relationships. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
