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9r+-+-trk+0 9r+-+kvlntr0 9-trlwq-trk+0 9r+-+-vl-tr0
9+-+-+pzpp0 9zpp+-+pzpp0 9zp-+nvlpzpp0 9+l+k+Pzp-0
9p+-+-+-+0 9-+n+p+-+0 9-+pzp-sn-+0 9p+-+q+-+0
9+pzpqzPNvl-0 9+-zppzPl+-0 9+p+-zp-+-0 9+-+-zP-vL-0
9-+-+-+-+0 9-+-zP-+-+0 9-+-zPP+-+0 9Pzp-zp-+-+0
9+PzP-+-zP-0 9+-sN-vLN+-0 9zP-sN-+-zPP0 9+-+-+-wQ-0
9-zP-zpRzP-zP0 9PwqP+LzPPzP0 9-zPP+NzPL+0 9-zP-+-+PzP0
9+R+Q+-mK-0 9tR-+Q+RmK-0 9tR-vLQ+RmK-0 9+-tR-+RmK-0
xiiiiiiiiy xiiiiiiiiy xiiiiiiiiy xiiiiiiiiy
1.e4 e5 2.¤f3 ¤c6 3.¥b5 a6 4.¥a4 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 ¥f5 1.e4 d6 2.d4 ¤f6 3.¤c3 e5 1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 3.e3 ¤f6 4.¥xc4 e6
¤f6 5.0 0 ¤xe4 6.d4 b5 7.¥b3 d5 4.¤f3 e6 5.¥e2 c5 6.¥e3 £b6 4.¤ge2 ¥e7 5.g3 c6 6.¥g2 b5 5.¤f3 c5 6.0 0 a6 7.¥b3 b5 8.a4 b4
8.dxe5 ¥e6 9.¤bd2 ¤c5 10.c3 ¥e7 7.¤c3 ¤c6 8.0 0 £xb2 7.0 0 0 0 8.a3 ¤bd7 9.h3 ¦b8 9.e4 ¥b7 10.e5 ¤e4 11.¤bd2 ¤xd2
11.¥c2 d4 12.¤b3 d3 13.¥b1 ¤xb3 12.¥xd2 cxd4 13.¤g5 ¤d7 14.f4 ¤c5
14.axb3 ¥f5 15.¥e3 0 0 16.¦e1 £d5 Last week we saw that in the game Since Black cannot reach the 15.f5 ¤xb3 16.£xb3 £d5 17.£g3 h6
17.¥d4 d2 18.¦e2 ¥xb1 19.¦xb1 ¤xd4 Karjakin-Morozevich, also at the classical Philidor with 1.e4 e5 2.¤f3 18.fxe6 hxg5 19.exf7+ ¢d7 20.¦ac1
20.¤xd4 ¥g5 21.g3 c5 22.¤f5 Amber Tournament, Black was d6 3.d4 ¤f6 because of 4.dxe5! £e6 21.¥xg5
doing fine after the spectacular ¤xe4 5.£d5!, he often tries the
11...d4 is known as a very solid 9.¤b5 c4!. We didn't have to wait Pirc move order with 1.e4 d6 2.d4 The diagram position is the final
line since the ending after 13.¤xc5 long for the next test since Kamsky ¤f6 3.¤c3 e5!. The ending 4.dxe5 position on p.449 of Avrukh's
is just a tiny edge for White. With tried 9.£e1!? in his last-round doesn't offer White much and 4.¤f3 remarkable book Grandmaster
13.¥b1 the stakes are raised. encounter with Morozevich. Of allows 4...¤bd7 with a classical repertoire: 1.d4, volume 1. Avrukh
Stellwagen-Svetushkin, Dresden course we like the brave 9...0 0 0 Philidor, so that's why Anand chose concludes "It is hard to believe that
2008 continued 22...£e6 23.¤d6 but after 10.¦b1 £xc2 11.¥b5 4.¤ge2!? against Morozevich. He Black can resist this attack" and
£g6 24.h4 ¥h6 and now White Black may have to replace the should have continued in style with while he may still be right, that is
could have grabbed the initiative game's 11...¥g4 by the developing 10.g4 though, since in the game just what Black did in the practical
with 25.h5!. After 22...¦ad8 23.f4 De 11...¤ge7. In the game Kamsky he lost the initiative and had to test Khenkin-Gharamian. Deep
Jong couldn't solve Black's problems got a slight plus almost by force, acknowledge defeat after an ugly analysis is required to judge moves
either in his game against Smeets. though the game ended in a draw. blunder. like 27.¢f1!?.
opening expert
Who: Levon Aronian Expertise: White: Closed Games
Born: October 6, 1982 Black: Marshall & Semi-Slav
Nationality: Armenia Why: Unbeatable with Black, very
Rating: 2754 dangerous with White
Aronian has won the Amber tournament for the second time in a row. In early interviews he created the impression
that his openings are weak, but just like last week s expert Jan Gustafsson, Aronian plays extremely principled
stuff and is very succesful with it. As an example we give his blindfold game against Radjabov in the PGN.
ChessVibes Openings is a weekly PDF magazine that covers the latest news on chess openings. Which openings are hot in top level chess?
Which are not? Editors IM Merijn van Delft & IM Robert Ris keep you updated once a week! Singles issues cost ¬ 1. You can subscribe too:
¬ 18 for six months / ¬ 25 a year (that s less than ¬ 0.50 per issue!). More info can be found at
© 2009 ChessVibes. Copyright exists in all original material published by ChessVibes. Any copying or distribution (reproduction, via print, electronic format, or in any form whatsoever), as
well as posting on the web, is strictly prohibited without prior written permission.
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