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mate soon, then there is a chance I could hurt you in two days.
 Just stop! Her voice was barely a whisper. Tears trickled down her cheeks again.
 It is so hard to control my beast, but I m trying, Sid. There was a strain in his voice, and a slight
tint of color change in his eyes.
Sidney growled in frustration at being held and at his bluntness. When she pulled her arm, he held
her tighter.  Please, let me go, Stefan. I am so tired of asking you.
 No way in hell! Stefan yanked Sidney hard. When she hit his chest, he clamped his arms around
her and lifted her like a baby.  You can t hide forever. Face us! Face this family, he growled, giving
her a shake to try to still the fighting.  I ve tried doing this your way. Now we do it mine!
Stefan tossed Sidney over his shoulder and held onto her tightly as he carried her back to the house.
The staff stopped and stared at the spectacle. Stefan ignored them as he continued to the dining
table and pulled out a chair, plopping Sidney ungraciously into it. Standing behind her, he waited.
Every time she tried to get up, he firmly placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her back
down. Sidney, full of anger and some hate, fought back with all she had. She slapped, twisted her
shoulders, and even tried to get up a couple of times only to be shoved back down. She even tried to
bite his hands. But to no end, Stefan held her down in her chair.
 Stefan! Natasha walked into the dinning room with concern on her face and a large salad bowl.
 What in the world is going on?
 Not now, Mother, Stefan growled. He grunted once when Sidney managed to make contact with
her fist to his stomach.
 Is that any way to treat her? Natasha went on.
 Mother, please. Stefan moaned, fighting to get hold of Sidney s wrists.
 Someone get this prick off of me! Sidney screamed.
A deep chuckle sounded.  What an intriguing way to bring your mate to lunch, Dedrick said as he
settled at the table across from Sidney. Ignoring the obvious tension between herself and Stefan, he
opened his newspaper and began to read.
 Knock it off, Dedrick, Natasha snapped.  Stefan, please. She placed the bowl on the table, giving
her son a dirty look.  I didn t raise you to be a bully.
 You could have fooled me. Sidney gritted her teeth in frustration and tried to push herself up
again. Stefan shoved her back down once again.  You are pissing me off! Sidney yelled working to
remove his hands from her shoulders.
 I don t care, he stated. He then leaned down into her.  I will tie you down and feed you if I
must! Stefan whispered low in her ear.
Sidney began to relax, and only then did he let go of her and sit down on her left. Skyler came in and
sat down. She smiled at everyone, but the smile quickly left when she glanced at her mother.
 You are late, Natasha stated, handing a pitcher of tea to Dedrick. She then glared at Stefan.  You
need to calm down.
 Oh, I am as calm as they come, Mother. Stefan remarked, looking at Sidney coldly.
 So, Skyler, Natasha stated,  what are you up to?
Sidney didn t pay attention to the conversation around the table. She stared down at her plate as
Stefan filled it. Pouting, she refused to eat. Stefan didn t say a word, just kept his eye on her from the
corner of his eye. With a muttered curse, Sidney picked up her fork and stabbed at the food
violently. She ignored the chuckle that escaped Stefan.
Dedrick broke the tension.  Stefan, the east wing of the house is empty. I think you should have it.
Dedrick took a bite before continuing.  Sidney and you will need the space. The master suite there is
very nice. He smiled, showing a small hint of humor.
 Dedrick! Natasha started to say.
 When? Stefan broke in, with all seriousness. He looked at Sidney quickly before giving his full
attention to his brother.
 Now. Dedrick stated.  Your things are being moved as we speak.
 I thank you.
 Dedrick, I don t think it s your place to do this or the time. Natasha stated, her lips thinning with
her anger. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
