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So far he isn't trying to breathe too hard down our necks."
"Yeah, no sec men at all in this part of the fortress," J.B. noted, switching
his scattergun from one hand to another. "No cameras, either unless they're
Has his own hired men, sure, but doesn't seem to be as paranoid as most. And
he keeps guards around the gateway control-room doors, but those are the only
I've seen so far."
Ryan reached out and tapped a finger on the barrel of the M-4000 scattergun
held. "And he didn't bring up the subject of our blasters. Usually, first
thing out of any self-styled leader is the demand we turn over the hardware.
Makes for a nice change."
"I believe there are probably additional sec men in and outside El Morro,"
Krysty said. "There's a funny& vibe to this place. I can't put my finger on it
"We can talk about it later. Right now, I could use a bath. Jamaisvous was
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Axler,_James_-_Deathlands_43_-_Dark_Emblem right we're all a bit ripe,"
Mildred said as she started to approach the bathroom.
"Krysty, you and I will go first if it's all right with the rest of you?"
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"Sure, Mildred. Go ahead," Ryan replied with a shrug. "We'll keep watch out
Jamaisvous isn't the only one with a private sec man."
"We'll save some hot water for you& mebbe," Krysty called back with a light
"Might just join you," Ryan retorted.
Mildred waggled a warning finger back. "Uh-uh. No, you don't. Wait your turn."
As the women disappeared behind the bathroom door at the end of the hallway,
Dean took a moment to sniff at one of his armpits, lifting the arm high and
craning his neck over to get a good whiff. "I smell worse than shit in
the boy groused.
"What else new?" Jak retorted.
Ryan stepped away from the two boys and left them to hold their own debate
over who smelled worse. He'd noticed that Doc was still turned slightly to one
side from the others, his face far away as he concentrated on his own internal
field of inquiry. "Something still on your mind, Doc?" he asked.
Doc didn't turn, but kept his face to the wall as he said, "Ryan, I find I am
experiencing a most disconcerting sense of deja vu."
"Deja what?"
"Deja vu. French for a disturbing familiarity."
Ryan cocked an eyebrow. "How so?"
"I have the strangest feeling I have met Dr. Jamaisvous before& which makes his
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Axler,_James_-_Deathlands_43_-_Dark_Emblem name all the more peculiar," Doc
replied as he worked his hands nervously up and down his walking stick.
"Jamaisvous. Sounds like more of your French talk to me," Ryan mused, flexing
his fingers in a halfhearted attempt to crack his knuckles.
"Very good, Ryan," Doc said with some delight. "The cognomen is indeed
Ryan grinned back. "Hell, Doc, my brain's not as overstuffed as yours, but I'm
no dummy either."
"Well, I guess I'm the stupe. Cognomi-what? Translate for us dullards,
J.B. snorted. The laconic man had grown interested in the conversation.
Farther down the hall, Dean and Jak were still continuing to insult each
other's personal hygiene.
"Cognomen. Last name," Doc replied briskly. "And that is not a translation,
but a definition, John Barrymore. As for the translation, and I'll be the
first to admit my mastery of French is a bit rusty, I think the name
Jamaisvous means 'a most peculiar sense of time.' "
Chapter Eight
The offer Jamaisvous had made to provide fresh laundry was impossible to
resist, and everyone contributed items of apparel to the stack of soiled
clothing. In two hours' time the mound of clothing was taken away by a plump
woman with long black hair tied in a tight bun, washed in a remote part of the
fortress, dried and returned folded.
One of the sec men they'd met in the gateway control room came at dusk to rap
Emblem.html (90 of 264) [12/31/2004 12:21:13 AM]
Axler,_James_-_Deathlands_43_-_Dark_Emblem lightly at their doors and fetch
the group.
"Lopez, right?" Mildred asked as she stepped out of her room with J.B. She
felt refreshed from having a bath, and clean clothing to wear for a change.
The big man didn't look amused. "No, ma'am."
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"Luis, actually. I think you have me confused with my cousins."
"You lose again," J.B. said, even as the sec man went on to knock and alert
the others of the impending meal. Once all had been accounted for, he led them
through a passageway and into an opulent dining room. Centered in the room
were a dozen chairs around a long wooden table with an immaculate white
Jamaisvous stood at the head of the table and waited until everyone else was
in place and seated before he took his own seat. Ryan sat to his left and Doc
to his right.
The Puerto Rican mother and daughter who cooked for Jamaisvous were standing
patiently on opposite sides of the table, both apparently serving as hostesses
for the meal. He'd introduced them as Elena and Maria, but the pair hadn't
spoken in kind, choosing instead to merely nod and keep their focus on the
work. Both carried a vibrantly painted orange serving pot on a tray.
Upside-down cups on saucers at the upper left of each of the place settings
matched the color of the orange pot, so Ryan took the visual clue and turned
his cup over, watching the younger Puerto Rican woman pour it full of a
steaming brown liquid.
"Mmm! Smell that aroma!" Mildred said, down and across from Ryan, where the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
