They seem to make lots of good flash cms templates that has animation and sound.

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Allie thought she d died and gone to heaven because the orgasm she d experienced
at the touch of her own hand mixed with Tony s large cock pushing deeper and deeper
into her channel. She d never thought she d ever experience ecstasy like that. When she
looked into his eyes she saw admiration, desire and lust. She knew because she felt it
too. There was no denying the chemistry between them, even if he d arrested her. She
could get over that, but could she get over the dangers of him being an undercover cop?
As if on some cosmic wavelength Tony picked up the tempo with her. They were
both fighting their own demons as she used sex to forget about reality.
The stirrings started in her stomach and ran through her veins. She was going to
explode into another climax. She longed for the high voltage she d felt earlier, but
wasn t sure rubbing her clit again would do it. This time she took her right nipple
between her thumb and forefinger. She pinched the bud, sending shards of pleasure
pain straight down to her pussy. Yes, this was the feeling she was looking for.
 Pinch them both, Tony demanded.  Pinch them hard.
Allie did and within seconds another orgasm tore through her. The walls of her
pussy spasmed against his dick.
She screamed his name over and over as he pounded wildly into her, pushing her
to the brink.
She heard him growl her name and he emptied his seed.
Sex on the Beach
Tony collapsed against her before rolling off. He gathered her in his arms and she
happily cuddled against him. She heard the rapid beating in his chest as they tried to
recover from their time together.
 Wow, Allie said, as her breathing resumed to normal.  Incredible seems so
inadequate right now.
 I know. Tony placed tiny kisses on her ear.  I ve never met anyone like you, Allie.
You amaze me.
 You re pretty neat yourself.
After laying there for what seemed an hour Tony spoke.
 Do you want to go back to the party?
The thought of them covered in sand made her decision easy.
 Nah. I d rather go home and shower. Maybe we could go another round in a bed
this time.
 Sex in bed is overrated. Sex on the beach is a whole other story.
 There s definitely something to be said for sand in places I never dreamed of. She
shivered as a chill covered her skin.
 You re cold. Let s get you dressed and back to your place for a nice hot shower. I ll
get the sand out of the cracks for you.
His eyes crinkled when he smiled.
 Now there s an offer I can t refuse.
They dressed and walked back to her place. As they passed Paul s party no one
seemed to notice or care that they weren t coming back. She wondered if Paul missed
her or if he even knew she was gone. He seemed more interested in other people and
that was fine by her. She was happy for the time she spent with Tony. Paul was just
someone she met while on vacation. Neither friend nor foe in her mind.
The walk back was one of silence. Allie wondered what he was thinking but didn t
have the courage to ask. She wasn t sure she wanted to know the answer. Tomorrow
Amber Skyze
was another day. When the sun came up they could discuss the lingering question on
her mind. What next?
 I think I ll be cleaning sand off me for weeks to come, she said stripping off her
Tony had stopped in to his place for a change of clothes and was now following her
lead and removing his clothes.
 Here give me your clothes and I ll toss them in the washer.
Tony gave her his pile. She padded to the water naked and threw the clothes in.
Once they were going, she started the shower.
 Holy shit, lady. It s freezing. Tony had hopped in before she d had a chance to
check the temperature.
She giggled.  You should have given me time to see if it warmed up. I ll wait out
here until you have it toasty enough for me to join you.
 I think it s fine. He peeked around the shower curtain.  Come on in for your full
body scrub.
Allie joined Tony in the shower. The cold water had done nothing to the erection he
was sporting, while wielding a loofah on a long, wooden handle.
 Are you ready for me to wash the sand out of every nook and cranny?
Getting clean wasn t what she had in mind. Glancing at his stiff dick she wanted to
get dirty again. Funny thing how she couldn t get enough of him. She was ready to go
another round. Just a touch here and a touch there and she d zoom headfirst into
another orgasm.
 You sure you want to waste time getting cleaned when this big guy here is
begging for some attention. She wrapped her fingers around him and stroked up and
She stepped closer closing the gap between them.  There s always time for cleaning
up later.
Sex on the Beach
 You drive a hard bargain. He dropped the loofah behind him with a resounding
thud. He pulled her against his hard chest. She released his penis now pressing into her
stomach.  I lose my mind whenever I m with you.
She knew what he meant because all reasoning and caution went out the window
whenever Tony was near. She d promised herself it would be two weeks of alone time.
A chance to reflect on her life and where she was going with her future. The two weeks
was not supposed to consist of any sexual activity unless it came from her battery-
operated friend. Tony was a distraction she didn t need, but couldn t push away.
 Didn t you once tell me talk was overrated? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
