They seem to make lots of good flash cms templates that has animation and sound.

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turn and study him in the faint glow of the television light. He snored a couple times, as
if to further prove he was out cold.
Convinced, she slipped from the bed and grabbed an armful of something, he
guessed her clothes. Liam resisted the desperate need to reach out and pull her close,
begging her to stay. He wanted one more embrace like the kind when she was coming
down from a thunderous orgasm, or when she woke from a nightmare she refused to
talk about, gripping him tight as if he d materialize with the rising of the sun. He made
peace with the inevitable. Whatever she needed to do, the ball was in her court. All he
could do was trust. He always said he d be there for her, but who was the one leaving?
Her footsteps padding down the stairs grew faint. Breath held tight, he waited until
the lock of the door clicked. Careful to not be seen from the window he peered over the
window ledge and watched Davian s silhouette fade. He d wait a few extra minutes
and then take a shortcut to the Bentley Mansion. One way or another he d arrive there
* * * * *
Around the block, Tiffany sat in the car, a steady beat of music playing through a
crack in the window. Davian hurried in her bare feet cursing at each tiny pebble on the
street. She opened the car door and squealed at her friend s new do.
 My god woman, your hair is platinum.
In typical Tiffany fashion, she shrugged it off.  Yeah, it turned out a couple shades
lighter than planned. I m used to it now and have to say it works. What do you think?
Next Floor Naughty
 I never would have thought you as a blonde, but damn girl, you look fabulous.
She climbed into the backseat and changed out of her sweats.
Her friend tilted the rearview mirror her direction and talked into it.  You ready for
one wild and crazy night?
 As ready as I can be.
Tiffany put on her lights and started down the street.  I told you, it will be a blast.
 How many times did you say you ve gone?
 This will be my third time. Each year it gets better.
Davian gripped the side bar as her friend punched the accelerator. The speedometer
idled at seventy-five. It would be a challenge to dress at this rate.
 Any problems sneaking out?
 None that I know of. I left him snoring up a storm. I think Liam knows I m up to
something, I can feel it. You should have seen me today, I all but blurted out what I was
Tiffany snorted.  Well, let him think something s up. Maybe he ll figure out he s
not the only stud muffin you can attract. He s kidding himself if he thinks you can t get
 He doesn t pretend to be a stud muffin. I m the only one who pretends shit. He s a
good guy and I m lucky to have him.
Davian opened her compact and applied a darker coat of makeup against the
brightly lit streetlamps. Tiffany groaned and turned up the air conditioner.  Damn, girl.
If you feel so strongly about him, why the hell are you going to have sex with someone
 I m feeling guilty, what can I say? This isn t something I just decided to do, it s
been on my mind ever since you brought it up. I don t want to hurt him. I m so
confused on what to do. How do I know if I m making the right decision?
Ann Cory
 If those are the thoughts going on in your head, then I d say go back to him,
honey. Otherwise you re going to make yourself sick over this. Things will never go
back to the way they were.
A cold sweat started up her back and her hands went clammy.  How they are is
why I m going. Our relationship is hanging on by a thread, and it s thin. Anyhow,
you re supposed to keep me on the right track and back me up. Don t mess with my
head, it s spinning enough on its own. Do you think I m making a mistake?
 Hell no. This party is just what the doctor ordered.
Davian did a final check in the mirror and climbed into the front seat, barely
making it over in the tight dress.  Speaking of doctors, I think I m a prime candidate for
a shrink.
 Hey, it s totally Hollywood. Get a shrink and get hooked on crazy pills.
She shook her head.  I m serious. What if I find out this problem doesn t have
anything to do with him? At any rate, I love him. I can t pretend my feelings away. I m
not sure running into the arms of another man is the way to fix things between us, but I
I m at a loss. We were so good together. Once.
Davian almost went flying as her friend slammed on the breaks and pulled to the
side of the road. The overhead light came on and Tiffany turned to her, arms crossed,
lips in a scowl.  Honey, you re waffling. I m worried you re going to flip out and I
won t be there.
The thought of being alone kind of freaked her out.  Of course you ll be there.
We re going together.
 Listen. We may be best friends, but I ll be hopping from one sugar daddy to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
