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 Logan, Lexi whispered as she shook her head.
 How about we all agree not to go for each other s throats while we figure this out? Maddox
said, wishing he d be able to use his Omega strength to help. Since these three weren t of Pack, and
North and Ellie had no connection to that part of him, he felt useless.
 I thought that s what we d already decided, Ellie said, and Maddox had to hold back a grin. It
seemed as though she was starting to gain a backbone.
 We did, Lexi agreed.  Logan, stop it. Okay?
Logan snorted then went to stand on Lexi s other side.
 How about you guys sit on the other couch? Ellie asked, and Maddox was glad she d spoken
up. Logan seemed to listen to her more than he and North. Probably because she wasn t trying to tear
his throat out. Not that he d tried, but he d thought about it. Vividly.  There s plenty of room, and this
way no one is standing over anyone else.
Lexi smiled, which brightened her whole face. Not that she did anything for him. No, the
caramel-skinned beauty by his side was the one who did it. If Maddox were to venture a guess, he
would say he wasn t the twin Lexi had her eye on. From the look on North s face, the feeling was
Considering Lexi had a son, that meant she d had a mate at one time. Wolves couldn t have
children unless they were bonded with their mates. Since wolves had more than one predestined
mate, it was possible to find another mate in their long lifespans.
His brother, Adam, was a prime example considering he d lost his mate, Anna, years before and
now, was happily mated to Bay. His other brother, Kade, had met Melanie after being rejected by a
previous potential mate one the rest of the family was happy to be rid of.
However, since fate wasn t always so cruel, once a wolf was bonded, they couldn t feel the
mating urge with another wolf unless their mate died.
Since it was clear at least to Maddox that Lexi and North had at least felt something, Lexi s
mate and Parker s father must be dead.
That could be a reason they were currently Packless.
 Since this is our land, how about we start? Maddox said after a moment, and Logan gave a
curt nod. Considering he didn t know these people and where they stood, Maddox felt it was best to
start at the beginning.  You know there s a war between the Centrals and Redwoods, correct?
 We all know about the Centrals and their demon kind, Logan spat.  They want to be the
strongest Pack in the world, so they have to take you down to do it. Too bad they re killing the rest of
us in the process.
Maddox growled.  They re killing us as well. Don t forget that.
 Then why aren t you doing something about it? Logan yelled.
 We are, North cut in. His brother s eyes glowed gold for just a moment before he settled
himself. Odd because North was usually the calmest of them all at least on the outside. Something
or rather someone had to be affecting him pretty badly.  We are, but we can t beat them with their
dark magic. We re trying our best, but without tainting ourselves in the process, we re treading water
until we find another way.
 And we ve found ways to prevent him from coming into our den, Maddox said. He didn t
mention Bay and her connection to Caym, nor did he say anything about why they were on the run& at
least not yet. The Redwoods weren t safe, but, eventually, they would be.
They had to be.
 We ve heard you brought the spawn of Caym into your fold, Logan said with a glare.
Maddox s wolf clawed at the surface, but he held him back.  I see you think you know our
secrets, but beware of how you talk of our sister-in-law.
If they already knew about what Bay was or at least had a glimpse Maddox had to make sure
she was safe, meaning she held their name, their protection.
Logan s brows rose for a moment, and Maddox had to hold back a grin. It seems the wolf didn t
know everything he thought he did.
 Can we stop with the posturing, boys? Lexi asked as she shot a look toward her brother.
 Yes, please, Ellie mumbled and again Maddox had to hold back from taking her hand in his.
 The war is escalating, and there have been losses on both sides, Maddox continued.  Because
we ve cut him off from our den, he s trying to find new ways of attacking us.
 He must be using his sister then, Lexi said as she gave Ellie a look.
Ellie froze, and he rested his hand on her knee, willing her to stay calm. He didn t know what
this Lexi knew, but Ellie would not be harmed because if it.
His wolf growled in agreement.
 I might be of his blood, but that doesn t make me his, Ellie said, her voice hollow, but he knew
she wanted to scream, do something to take away that part of her.
Lexi lowered her gaze, her wolf the lowest in the hierarchy of the bunch.  I know, Ellie. I
Ellie sucked in a breath, and Maddox squeezed her knee. How could she know?
 What else do you know, Lexi? Maddox asked, his tone as calm as possible.
 I know enough, she said, and he had a feeling they d get no more of how exactly she knew of
Corbin and his& talents.
 I take it you re here then to hide Ellie from her brother, Logan put in, cutting through the
 For now, Maddox said.  Now tell us, what are you doing here? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
