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is the only crossing which cannot be used by between Prague and Troja (p121 ), and in Bratislava Koaice 441Sk 7hr sistance (ABA; %1240; Slovakia s au-
pedestrians. Slovakia there are trips along the Danube tomobile association is the Autoklub Slovakia
between Bratislava and Devín (p353). Reservations Assistance (ASA; %18124;
AIR Travel agencies don t book internal coaches,
Air travel possibilities have expanded in the BUS though some may have timetable informa- Bringing Your Own Vehicle
past few years. In addition to the airports Buses are popular and there are comprehen- tion. Short-haul tickets are sold on the bus, You ll experience no major hassles bringing
that receive flights from abroad (see p452), sive networks in both republics. Stations are long-distance tickets are usually bought at your own vehicle into either republic. Cars
Ostrava Moanov Airport (OSR; %597 471 136; www normally within walking distance of town the station. If you re travelling on a weekend with foreign license plates can be a target for, in the Czech Republic, and centres, and often adjacent to the train sta- on one of the more popular routes, it s not a thieves (as in any country) and no one should
Airport %7Å„ilina (ILZ; %5523 288;, in Slo- tion. During the week there are generally bad idea to book ahead. leave valuables in view. That said, the number
vakia, operate within the two republics. frequent services but this peters out to only At stations with offices, handing the clerk of car thefts in the republics is no higher than
SA (OK; %in Prague 239 007 007, in Bratislava 02-5296 a handful on weekends (or none at all). a scrap of paper with your destination (see in Western Europe. For information on the
1042, in Koaice 052-6782 490; is Mountainous locations may only be acces- You re Going Where When?, p456) is a lot documents required to take your car into the
the major inter-republic airline. SkyEurope (NE; sible by bus. more fun than wrestling with the timetables. republics see Getting There & Away (p455).
SAD ( eská automobilová doprava) is Big stations like Florenc in Prague have charts
%in Prague 900 141 516, in Bratislava 02-4850 485; flies to Koaice from Bratislava. the state bus company in the Czech Republic, with all the route numbers for each major Fuel
and SAD (Slovenská autobusová doprava) in destination and all the departure times for Petrol or gasoline (benzín) is not hard to find
BICYCLE Slovakia. To find schedules online the na- each route number, plus timetables for every (natural is 95 octane, super is 98 octane).
For general information on cycling in the tional timetables are best; try route. To figure out when the next bus leaves Diesel (nafta) is also available at many sta-
Czech and Slovak Republics, see the relevant for the Czech Republic and http://cp.zoznam at smaller stations without an office, you ll tions. Unleaded petrol costs about 40K%0Å„/44Sk
section in Outdoor Activities (p61). .sk/ConnForm.asp?tt=c&cl=E5 for Slovakia. probably have to look at timetables posted at per litre. LPG (autoplyn) is available in every
From Prague, two private bus companies, several different numbered platforms. major town, but at very few outlets and rarely
Hire Tourbus (%543 163 493; and Student at petrol stations. You re not allowed to take
The Czech and Slovak Republics are only Agency (%542 424 242;, bat- CAR & MOTORCYCLE more than 10L of fuel in or out of the country
slowly cottoning on to the fact that a buck tle it out on the competitive route between The Czech and Slovak Republics are covered in a spare container.
can be made from renting bikes. Prices range Prague and Brno. by a network of generally good roads. The
from 100Sk to 800Sk per day. main motorways are the D1 (or E50/E65) Hire
Many of the bigger cities have a bike-rental between Prague, Brno and Olomouc, the D2 Normally you have to be 21 years of age to hire
place or two (Bratislava has one), but they are (or E65) between Brno and Bratislava, and the a vehicle and sometimes 25. Apart from that,
The timetables will drive you cross-eyed,
more common in the popular tourist spots D5 (or E50) linking Prague and PlzeH. The renting a car is relatively easy. It s possible to
peppered with symbols showing the days
and mountainous regions (Krkonoae in the D1 (or E75), between Bratislava and %7Å„ilina, arrange a pick-up in one republic and drop
buses go and don t go. Remembering that
Czech Republic, High and Low Tatras and will eventually connect to Uzhhorod, Ukraine off in another, but there is usually a hefty
ne indicates negative, as in nejede/neide or
the Mála Fatra in Slovakia)  check with the via Koaice. fee involved.
nepremáva (doesn t go, doesn t operate)
upmarket hotels there. The major motorways require a toll sticker Prague and Bratislava have numerous local
helps. A circled number one to seven indi-
Czech Railway rents bikes in several natural (for two weeks/one year 200/900K%0ń in the and international rental agencies at the airport [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
