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he strained to keep his pace slow, allowing her time to adjust.
This Side of Heaven 43
Apparently she had other ideas. She rocked back, burying him to the hilt.
 Fuck! he growled.
 As you wish, she said as she threw him a sly grin over her shoulder and rose up on all
fours. When she wiggled her ass against him, he hissed, feeling the end of her channel rubbing
the head of his dick. He gripped her hips and pulled almost completely out before he forcefully
rammed himself into her.
Her head thrown back, she let loose a guttural cry from deep in her throat.  God, you feel
so good.
This woman would be his undoing. Raw with hunger, seductive, and uninhibited, she'd
bewitched him, heart and soul. He knew she held back part of herself. She grew up with a
frightening ability and was sheltered from the truth of her existence. It would make anyone
cautious. Her trust would not be an easy thing to earn, but he wasn't afraid of the challenge. So
much time had been wasted loving her from afar. Now that he'd had her, she'd become a part of
him, and he'd be damned if he'd ever let her go.
He licked his finger, then reached around and rubbed her hard little clit in small circles. He
withdrew his shaft, leaving just the tip at the opening, and drove into her again, balls-deep. The
pace slow and torturous, he wanted to draw out their pleasure for long moments.
 Nathaniel, she pleaded.
It was all he needed, and in a fury, he pumped in and out of her. She matched him thrust
for thrust. The sound of their flesh slapping together drove him to the brink, and he slowed to
gain control of himself. She sat up on her knees so her back was flush with his chest. She twisted
her head, reaching behind her, and pulled his mouth to hers in a vicious melding of lips, teeth,
and tongue.
His hands automatically found those perfect nipples, pinching and tugging until she
moaned. She ground herself against him and moved her hips in deliberate circles, driving him
deep into her and pushing him close to the edge. When her pussy tightened and she fell apart in
his arms, screaming his name, he could no longer hold back. He plunged his cock into her with
three quick, hard thrusts and violently came, spurting his cum deep inside her as she shuddered
around him. He pulled her to him and kissed the place where her slender neck met the slope of
her shoulder as they rode the last ripples of their climax together.
44 Fallon Blake
He slid out of her, and with a shiver, she squealed. They collapsed next to each other on
the blanket, laughing. He leaned over, then pressed his lips to hers. He grabbed the other blanket
to cover them up. As she snuggled into him, resting her head on his shoulder and throwing her
leg over his, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. They were a perfect fit. God, he loved
this woman. In this moment, he knew it with every fiber of his being.
 Well, you two seem to be getting along rather well.
A sense of dread filled Nathaniel at the sound of that booming voice.
This Side of Heaven 45
Chapter Seven
Nathaniel felt Samara's entire body tense. Protectively, he pulled her against him.  It's
okay, he whispered, trying to reassure her.  Remember me mentioning there was one other
person who could make me feel as naked as you do?
She frowned, looking rather annoyed.  Yeah, well, it's understandable when you actually
are naked.
The intimidating and impeccably dressed archangel cleared his throat with blatant
This is not going to be good.  Nice of you to drop in, Uriel.
 Get dressed. Both of you, the archangel ordered as he turned away from them.
 Uriel? As in the archangel? Samara hissed through clenched teeth as she scrambled to
collect her clothes.
He could see her blush, even in the dark.
 I'm a freaking adult. So why do I feel like a teenager who just got busted making out?
 Uriel tends to have that effect on everyone. Nathaniel zipped up his pants, then helped
her finish dressing.
 How long do you think he's been there?
 Don't know, but any longer than a few minutes, and he definitely got an eyeful, he
teased, trying to hide his apprehension for the serious ass reaming he was about to receive. He
didn't want to worry Samara any more than necessary.
Adorably mortified, she groaned.
Uriel always did have a knack for showing up at the worst possible time. Like when
Nathaniel was sleeping, showering& While he was having sex with a mortal charge he'd been
46 Fallon Blake
forbidden to touch was a new one, though. The only regret Nathaniel had about breaking the law
was that he'd rather have told Uriel himself.
He'd made his bed, and now he'd have to lie in it.
The archangel turned around with his usual air of superiority. His eyes had always seemed
eerie to Nathaniel. They glowed with a soft white light, no evidence of pupils or irises. He was
over seven feet in height, built to scale, and looked every bit the celestial warrior he was. The
only thing missing was a pair of white, feathered wings, which Nathaniel knew Uriel had in his
true form. Even without the wings, the image he presented was intimidating as hell.
The demon part of him cringed.
 I'd rather we met under different circumstances, Samara.
 You can say that again, Nathaniel heard her mutter under her breath. She managed a
weak smile.  Hi. She greeted Uriel as she nervously chewed a fingernail.
The archangel's features softened a bit as he put his hand on her shoulder.  Can you give
us a few moments? Nathaniel and I have a few things we need to discuss.
 Go ahead inside. We'll be in, in a minute. Nathaniel tenderly pressed a kiss to her
forehead.  Make sure you set the alarm. He crossed his arms over his chest, watching her retreat
into the cabin.  I love her, he admitted to Uriel after she was safely inside.
 I've known that for years. Your love for her is not the issue. The fact that you acted on it
is. You violated one of our most sacred laws! Uriel's voice thundered in anger.  The Telal need
these laws to& I don't need to tell you these things. You already know. He ran his fingers
through his hair.  Nathaniel, you are the leader of the Sect. It is your duty to be above reproach. I
cannot allow this to go unpunished. Is this woman worth your chance for redemption?
He didn't even hesitate.  Yes.
Uriel's eyes narrowed as he tightened his jaw.  Good, because it's gone. And now, because
of your disobedience, I will have to appoint a new leader for the Sect.
Nathaniel's heart dropped. Okay, that stung.
The entire reason he'd joined Uriel in the first place was for a shot at redemption. The only
important things in his long existence were having a chance to make up for the wrongs he'd
This Side of Heaven 47
committed and the possibility of a pleasant afterlife. Until Samara. As long as he had her,
nothing else mattered.
 I should appoint her another guardian 
 You do that, and we're going to have a problem. Anger flaring white-hot, Nathaniel
clenched his fists. He didn't give a damn if Uriel was an archangel. He wouldn't stand aside and
let another Telal guard Samara.
 She must be something for you to risk my wrath. I don't have to reiterate how important
she is. Is she coming to accept her fate?
 Uriel, she's a person, not just part of your damned prophecy. It's been two days. Give her
a break, Nathaniel said, not attempting to hide his ire. How he wished she weren't at the center [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
