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Next to me, our twin nannies, Ginger and Cinnamon, whistled
since they were each holding two babies and couldn t clap. They both
had long blonde hair, but Ginger liked to keep hers shorter. And each
personality was reflected in their beauty, but I tried not to grumble
that they were taller than me.
Finding them was a blessing from the gods. They were two
nineteen-year-old vampires who were thrown out of their close-
minded coven because they wanted to go to college. Gag me. They
had IQs off the charts and might be the most tender-hearted girls I d
ever met. They d become more our family than our employees over
the last five months.
When Elder Rice called to see if we could use them in the clinic,
Amery had said to have them come interview. But after he
interviewed them, he had me meet with them as well, and while I had
no idea at the time what he was up to, I wanted to adopt them. Well,
not literally since they were of age, but into our family nonetheless.
So we struck up a deal and had an addition put onto the house.
They had their own apartment over the garage with a mini kitchen for
basics, almost like a dorm room and everything. We paid for college,
living expenses, books, food, and what not, and in return they had to
Spells and Bananas 107
keep a certain GPA with their classes and help us with the
Strange, I know, but it worked for us. And to top it off, they both
wanted to be doctors one day in different fields. They even
volunteered at the clinic on days when Amery and I took the kids out
for a family day or on weekends when we were there to watch them.
Now that the clinic was up and running starting tomorrow, they were
going to continue to volunteer as candy stripers and with the e-book
mobile I set up.
I had to admit that was one of my better ideas. I donated several
Kindles with dozens upon dozens of books on them for all age levels
so that everyone could always have something to read.
I m not really sure when Ginger and Cinnamon slept, but they
were young and loved the arrangement. And they loved our children,
which was most important.
 I m glad he went with the gray pin-stripe, Ginger whispered to
me when the cheers died down.  He looks so powerful and
commanding. Good call on that one. You so have to teach us your
fashion sense.
 Does that mean you ll finally let me take you shopping? I asked
with a wink. Their coven had been very old-school and refused to use
modern technology, not unlike the human Amish. But they had
trouble breaking away from the long skirts and bland shirts. Hell,
Ginger finally broke down and got her first pair of capris the other
I was wearing them down on their wardrobe.
 Fine, but no skirts shorter than mid thigh, and our cleavage stays
in our shirts, Cinnamon said with an eye roll.
 Deal, I replied quickly before they changed their minds. I could
work with that. It was the long-sleeve shirts all summer that drove me
insane. I d just look at them and feel myself sweating.
 There are so many people to thank for all their help and support,
Amery said, and I focused back on the festivities.  All the Elders of
108 Joyee Flynn
UPAC deserve a round of applause, but especially Elder Rice for
getting the ball rolling and his constant advice. I d also like to thank
Shea Mayer for supplying all the state-of-the-art equipment we will
all benefit from.
Both men on either side of my mate smiled and nodded at their
acknowledgements. Shea s mates, Calin and Dustin, looked as if they
were going to burst with pride. I had a suspicion I had the same look
on my face.
It was such a small world at times. Calin and Dustin had both
come from the same coven as Ginger and Cinnamon and knew them
since they were babies, so they could attest to their character. That
was a big reason we let them move in and helped them with college.
 I d also like to thank my mate and the love of my life, Kirby
Saxon, Amery said with emotion in his voice.  This would never
have happened without him and his idea to help all paranormals
receive the same care as humans without having to out themselves if [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
