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iÉiÉ& IÉEòÉ®ú& ºÉÆVÉÉiÉ&....ºÉ& {ÉÖxÉ& ¹ÉºÉ½èþºÉÉvÉÈ {É®ú|ÉÉä¹`ö{ÉnÆù MÉiÉ&
as per this rule.
[The letter Kha should be ascribed to Uttara Proshtapada] This
All rights reserved © Sreenadh OG, All rights reserved © Sreenadh OG
(Co-born), 4. Bandhu (Relatives), 5.Putra (Children), 6.Satru (En-
¨Éä¹É - + +É
emies), 7.Kalatra (Wife), 8.Maranam (Death), 9.Dharma (Righ-
´ÉÞ¹É¦É - = >ð @ñ
teous path), 10.Karma (Job), 11.Aya (Income) and 12. Vyaya (Ex-
ʨÉlÉÖxÉ - @ñ ±ÉÞ ±ÉÞ
EòEÇò - B Bä
˺ɽþ - +Éä +Éè Note that the above quote is clear proof also for the fact that
Signs itself should be considered as Houses. As per ancient Indian
EòxªÉÉ - +Æ +& ¶É ¹É ºÉ ½þ (³ý)
astrology, the various house calculation techniques (such as Sripati
iÉÖ±ÉÉ - Eò JÉ MÉ vÉ Ró
method, Placida s division etc) does not have any meaning. The
signs itself should be considered as houses; with the only differ-
vÉxÉÖ - ]õ `ö b÷ fø hÉ
ence that the signs are always counted from Aries, where as houses
¨ÉEò®ú - iÉ lÉ nù vÉ xÉ
are counted from Lagna.
EÖÆò¦É - {É ¡ò ¤É ¦É ¨É
[Note that the study of astrology mentioned in the Tantric texts
¨ÉÒxÉ - ªÉ ®ú ±É ´É (IÉ)
gives us unique insights which we may miss even when dealing
[Qn: The above sloka uses KTPY notation for numbers. When
with the standard texts of astrology, which deals with such things
did KTPY system originated? This question won t be dealt within
in detail. This itself point to the Agama (Tantric) foundation of
this article, but provides clear scope for further study]
nirayana astrology]
As per another available Tantric reference describing the same,
º´É®úɶÉä¨ÉÇxjÉ®úɶªÉxiÉÆ MÉhÉxÉÒªÉÆ Ê´ÉSÉIÉhÉè&
Ksha should be ascribed to Meena (Pisces) and there for the same
+YÉÉiÉä ®úÉʶÉxÉIÉjÉä xÉɨÉÉtIÉ®ú®úÉʶÉiÉ&**
is shown with in brackets in the above list. The relevant sloka is
- EÖò±ÉÉhÉÇ´ÉiÉxjÉ
given below-
[Intelligent individual who practices the Tantric system should start
counting the Signs from his own Lagna, and the counting should
[The letter Kha should be ascribed to Meena (Pisces)] This too
go up to the Mantra sign. If one does not know his Lagna the
completes the list with 51 alphabets.
counting should start from Sign indicated by his name (Namakshra
Rasi = Lagna indicated by the Name of the individual)]
Kularnava Tantra further states that the following is the prime
mode of association of Signs with the native s life. As you could
Since this sloka comes after discussing alphabets associated
see it is nothing but a description of houses starting from Lagna.
with both Nakshatras and Signs, the rule could be taken as com-
monly applicable to both Nakshatra Chakra and Rasi Chakra. This
rule may indicate two further possibilities -
¨É®úhÉÆ vɨÉÇEò¨ÉÉÇªÉ ´ªÉªÉÉ pùÉnù¶É ®úɶɪÉ&**
- EÖò±ÉÉhÉÇ´ÉiÉxjÉ
* One should start the study of astrology by studying his own
[The 12 signs are 1. Lagna (Body), 2.Dhana (Wealth), 3.Bhratru
horoscope! This is a unique advice not found anywhere else!
All rights reserved © Sreenadh OG, All rights reserved © Sreenadh OG
* Nakshatra Chakra and Rasi Chakra are both independent sys- liefs do not tally with even the Vedic tradition. I hope that this
tems complete in themselves - Nakshatra Chakra uses Nakshatra article may inspire him to look back into the Agama tradition to
Lagna as starting point, and Rasi Chakra uses Lagna as starting which he himself belongs, and come up with positive or negative
point! The system of using Nakshatra Chakra in this way is al- responses (after a detailed study) which may further strengthen
most completely lost to us; But this is the system visible in Vedas, our knowledge about the same.
Epics and Puranas. A dedicated individual might be able to recon-
Note_2: As I always used to say, it is rather than the subject
struct this system from the available rudiments after a detailed study
and slokas, the consciousness that looks into it and the new inner
of the same. This too provides a clear scope for further study. In
light in which things can be viewed is more important in generat-
ancient texts the use of Nakshatra Lagna is clearly visible, as clearly
ing clarity of vision. Let the words  Know what is before you,
stated in texts like Sukra Neeti and Surya Pranjapti. The uses of
then the things hidden from you will become revealed to you be
Nirayana Rasi Chakra (starting with Nirayana Mesha Sign) as an
our motto in our search and reconstruction of near lost elegance of
independent system, is well popular as we all know and practice
ancient indian astrology.
Dettatreya Mahatantra and Tantric
This article is just the continuation of my effort to shed some
light on the Astrology present in Tantric texts, which I have started
Astrology [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
