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 Didn t we already have this conversation? And didn t Sports Illustrated just mention how I m
back to my normal self?
 That was before I had a plan. I have an excellent one now. I think you should go on home and see
your mom and dad for the holiday and I think you need to take your new girlfriend with you.
Oh shit, they found out about Willow. How the hell was he going to approach her with this? He
didn t mind the idea hell, he d been contemplating taking Willow to his mama on his own but he
didn t want to handle it like this. Turn the entire thing into a giant media circus. That would only piss
his mama off.
Oh yeah, and Willow too.
 And I think Aubrey is the perfect candidate to play the role of your newfound girlfriend, Harvey
 What? Nick shook his head.  You can t be serious. This here sounds like some Jared and
Sheridan shit going down, you know. 
 Right! And look how well that turned out for them?
Brought them a lot of misery and heartache before they found their happily ever after, but oh yeah,
they were peachy keen right now.  Why would my having a girlfriend help my female fan base? That
makes no damn sense. And what the hell does Aubrey think about this?
 She is willing to do whatever it takes to get the negative publicity off your back. We re trying to
go big with you, Nick. Make you a higher profile player, and it s not working with you so sad all the
 I m not sad anymore, Nick said through gritted teeth.
Harvey waved his hand, dismissing his protest.  You need a woman in your life to keep you happy.
At the very least, you need to pretend that you re happy because a sad Nick is a pitiful Nick. He
tilted his head, contemplating him.  So if that means Aubrey needs to pretend to be your significant
other, she has no problem with it, Harvey said with complete assurance.
 I ve never been the target for any of your schemes but I gotta say that was such a fucking crazy
suggestion, I can t believe you had the balls to bring it up to me. Seriously. Nick shook his head.
 You have a better idea? Harvey threw up his hands, clearly frustrated.
 I do. How about I take my real girlfriend home with me to meet Mom and Dad?
Harvey leaned back in his chair, clearly confused.  You don t have a girlfriend.
 I sure do. I kept her my little secret. And she did the same thing with him. He d wondered more
than once if she was ashamed to be seen with him. Or worried her father might find out they were
He preferred keeping that shitty feeling completely out of the equation.
 Why would you hide your new girlfriend? You ve been sitting on a goldmine for however long
and only just now think to tell me?
 Hey, it was no one s business but ours. Nick shrugged.  She s media shy.
Harvey snorted.  You gotta be kidding me.
 I m telling you the truth. She s not big on the paparazzi. I mean, who is? That s why I haven t
paraded her around. She s uncomfortable with all the attention. At least, he thought she was. Plus,
he d wanted to keep Willow as his own and not share her with the world. It was kind of fun, playing
the secret lovers game.
 That sounds damn near perfect. So the sweet, media shy girl finally captures Nick Hamilton s
hardened heart? That s going to make great copy I hope you know. Harvey clapped his hands
together.  Arrange it. Make it happen. Take the new girlfriend home to Mom and Dad and have a
touching holiday moment. I ll send a photographer and crew there and they can record everything.
 My dad won t go for that. Neither would he.  I doubt Willow would either.
Harvey frowned.  Wait a minute, Willow? Don t tell me you mean Walter Cavanaugh s daughter.
 One and the same.
 Ah hell, Nick. Harvey grimaced.  She blows my sweet little girlfriend image right out of the
water. Willow s tough as nails and ready to fight with whoever crosses her. She s what I would call
a bad choice in girlfriends.
 Tough shit. I like her, Harvey. There s no other way around it. If I do this, I m doing it with
Willow and no one else.
 Fine. Harvey shook his head.  You better go talk to her then. The holidays are coming close. You [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
