They seem to make lots of good flash cms templates that has animation and sound.

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in it. Basked in the fact that she could want him so much that she d hold on that desperately. He kissed
her deeper, and she kissed him back just as hard, her breasts pressing up against his chest.
Her breasts . . . He slid his hand along her waist, along the silken softness of her skin, traced her ribs
 Do it, she whispered.  Please, just do it.
Heat flared in him and he covered her breast with his hand, and she let out a small moan that went
straight between his legs.  God, Jed, this feels so amazing. Her hands were suddenly at his back, sliding
beneath his jeans, her fingers tentative and careful.
 You can t hurt me, he mumbled as he slid his lips down the side of her neck, tasting her skin, sweet
and salty and perfect. She tasted like . . . he grazed her collarbone with his teeth . . . sunshine. He didn t
know how he knew what sunshine tasted like, but Paige was it.
She sighed and tilted her head back as her fingers dug into his butt. Her hips twisted under him as he
trailed his lips lower, tugged down the collar of her shirt as something stirred deep inside him, something
that was waking up that he d kept hidden for years.
Something soft.
Something . . .  Paige, he whispered.  Oh, my sweet, sweet Paige . . . He tugged her shirt up and then
paused. Her skin was perfect. Exquisite. Her breasts . . . He bent down and gently brushed his lips over
the tip as his phone rang again.
Paige sucked in her breath.  Oh,wow. Theresa wasn t exaggerating. This . . .
Jed swallowed her words with a kiss, cupping her face with his hands, desperate to get closer, to drink
in more of her, to feel her kissing him back with such reckless need.
She knew what he was, andshe wanted him anyway.
And not because she wanted the thrill of getting it on with a bad guy, or because he was wrong for her,
and was a danger to her . . . she wanted him because she couldn t help herself. . . .
Suddenly he couldn t get enough. He crushed his mouth over her breasts, yanked at her jeans, desperate
to be inside her, to be closer, for one minute to just feel her complete and total acceptance of him, and to
let the brightness of her soul consume him.
Her hands met his and she unbuttoned her jeans and unzipped them, because his fingers had suddenly
started trembling too hard to manage her pants. Her hands dropped from his and went to his hair again as
he slipped his hand beneath the silken material, to the softness of her core.
Paige s hips jerked under his touch.  Holy hell, she whispered.  Jed 
She was ready for him, hot and pulsing, and heat roared into his brain, slamming him so hard he could
barely see.  You want me. He couldn t believe it.  But I mdamned .
 Jed! She yanked his hair so he had to look at her. Her cheeks were flushed and her mouth was
parted, and she looked like she d been thoroughly loved, and was still eager for more.  When are you
going to get that I don t care about that? You aren t some flawed beast! You re the most amazing man
I ve ever met and I want you to make love to me until my body is nothing but a weak puddle of mush on
the burned-out patch of grass we re lying on 
He groaned, yanked his hand out of her pants, and rolled off her.
She propped herself up on her elbows, not even bothering to pull her shirt and bra back down over her
breasts.  What? What did I say? What happened?
He reached over and tugged her bra back down, tucking her safely out of sight.  I can t make love to
you. It ll push you over the edge if our souls merge. He glanced around.  And we re in the middle of a
burned-out baseball stadium. Anyone could come by and catch us. He felt like growling at the thought
of anyone spying on Paige.  Your first time can t be here. It should be surrounded by candles, on a
four-poster mahogany bed with white silk sheets, champagne and strawberries, with something romantic
playing on the CD player, with a guy who you love who will love you forever . . . or some shit like that.
She stared at him, her mouth open.
 What? He eased her shirt back down and pushed her hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear.
 You re a romantic. I can t believe it!
He scowled as he rubbed dirt off her cheek.  Screw that. I m damned.
 A damned romantic.
He retrieved his phone, stood up, and held out his hand to her.  Come on. We need to get out of here
before we re arrested for destroying the outfield. We don t have time to be arrested.
She grabbed his hand and let him pull her up, intentionally rubbing her body against his as she rose. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
