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should emit a power of its own. He should be able to feel its resonance.
 Quickly, Sulein muttered.  I cannot hold the spell on Sir Terent much
Dain felt a waver in the physician s concentration. He stared at the man s
lean hands and pointed at a wide band of embossed gold on his middle finger.
 That one.
Sulein laughed with satisfaction.  A handsome choice, young lord. Not as
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handsome as the ruby you already wear, but it will make a good companion.
He took off the gold band and held it out to Dain.
Furious with disappointment, Dain struck it from Sulein s hand and sent the
gold ring flying.  Which one is it? he demanded.
 None of these, young lord. Perhaps your eldin gifts are not as clever as I
thought. Hmm? Smiling broadly, Sulein held up his right hand, clenched it,
and turned it over in a quick gesture. There on his finger appeared of heavy
silver with the milky stone. The fine rings on Sulein s other hand shimmered
momentarily and became only dull, cheap ornaments of brass.
Dain stared, realizing how thoroughly he d been tricked.
Sulein laughed again.  How disappointed you look. But you see, young lord, I
bought this ring with good coin. I cannot give it away.
 It doesn t belong to you, Dain said through his teeth.
 But it does. Your name is not inscribed on the band in these rune carvings.
You cannot prove ownership, especially when I possess it. Had you seen through
its disguise, then I might have felt compelled to surrender it to you. But we
have made our bargain, and you didn t choose it.
Dain s eyes narrowed. He stared coldly at the gloating physician.  What do you
want for it?
 Ah! Now that is the first sensible thing you have said tonight. Sulein
scratched his beard.  What do I
want? Ah, indeed, a delightful question that opens doors to all kinds of
His greed was suddenly revealed in his face, naked and intense. He smiled at
Dain, while his dark eyes remained calculating and sharp.  If possession of
this ring will grant you your kingdom, surely it must be worth a great deal.
How large is the Netheran treasury?
Contempt rose in Dain. Sulein would forever cling to him, sucking at his
resources like a leech.
 The treasury, I am told, is bankrupt.
 Pity. Then you will have to acquire funds elsewhere. From Prince Spirin,
perhaps? He and I have already discussed your future. What is your favor with
King Verence worth?
 Little, Dain snapped.  He will not support me. Sulein s bright smile faded.
 Are you saying you have spent a month in his majesty s company and
accomplished nothing? Have you not built on your advantages? Have you acquired
nothing for yourself no lands, no additional titles, no sinecures?
Dain s shame was like acid in his throat. If only Sulein knew what he d really
acquired... and given away. He reached for his dagger.  Enough of this. Your
greed is unmatched 
Lifting his hands, Sulein backed away so hastily he knocked over his stool.
 The stakes are high ...
majesty. Dain paused, sucking in a sharp breath.  It has a pleasant sound to
it, does it not? Sulein said
softly, never taking his eyes off Dain.  You have seen at close hand how it is
to be king. You want that, don t you? Dain blinked, throwing off the spell
Sulein was using to cloud his mind.  What I want is my father s ring.
 Then you must pay for it.
 How much?
Sulein shrugged.  Is this the night to decide such a weighty matter? Why not
wait until the throne is yours before we decide on payments and rewards?
There would be no throne, no rewards. All Dain wanted was . Getting it out of
the hands of someone as unscrupulous as Sulein was the least he could do for
Tob-eszijian.  Why not put everything on the table and make our deal now?
Dain countered.
 You bargain like a dwarf rather than a lord, Sulein complained.
Dain bared his teeth and sprang at Sulein. Before the startled physician could
back away from him, Dain was gripping the front of his robes, twisting them
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while he pressed his dagger point to Sulein s throat. He forced the physician
against the wall.
 You try my patience, Dain said through gritted teeth.  Off with it, before I
slice through your finger.
 Take it by force, and have it you will not, Sulein said quickly. Fear
flashed in his eyes, but he had not lost his courage. He glared at Dain
defiantly, lifting his chin to ease the dagger point from his flesh.  I can
disappear with it, quicker than thought, and nevermore will you find me.
Dain glared at him furiously.  A bluff.
 No! It is the power of this ring. How else did King Tobeszijian escape his
enemies? How else did he cross and recross this world, hiding first the
Chalice of Eternal Life and then you? Three times can a man travel thus on the
power of Solder s ring. Back away from me now, and give me what I ask for, or
swear to you on all my ancestors that I will vanish and take this ring to King
Muncel. He will pay my price, if you do not.
Dain said nothing. Anger roared in his ears, filling him with such heat he
thought he might burst into ashes. After a moment, he managed to master
himself enough to back away from Sulein. He sheathed his dagger with an
unsteady hand and stood there, glowering at the floor for a long while, before
at last he forced up his gaze.
 For the last time, I ask your price.
Triumph filled Sulein s eyes. He stepped away from the wall.  A position as
your court astrologer and chief adviser.
Dain s eyes narrowed, but he said nothing.
Sulein smiled.  My own palace and servants.
Dain waited.
Sulein rubbed his hands together.  One-third of your wealth, not only taken
from whatever lies within the treasury at the time of your coronation, but
also one-third from your revenues thereafter, for my lifetime.
The request was outrageous. Dain had not expected Sulein to be this greedy. He
frowned in an effort to hide his shock, and realized that Sulein could have
asked for half. Still, the price would not be paid.
 Well? Sulein asked him.  Think as long and hard as you wish, but there s no
way around this bargain. Of course, if you want time to decide, then I shall 
 No, Dain said abruptly.  I agree.
This time it was Sulein s eyes that widened in shock. He stared at Dain as
though he could not believe the bargain was struck.  You swear this? he asked
 I do. When I sit on my throne, you will have your price. Dain held out his
hand.  Now give me .
Sulein s laughter rang out loudly enough to wake Sir Ter-ent from his spell.
While the protector was sneezing and rubbing his face in confusion, Sulein
shook his head. His eyes danced ruthlessly.  No, no, no, young lord, he said.
 And have you vanish to parts unknown without me? No.
Dain had thought he d made his face as impassive as a stone carving. Could
Sulein sense the truth hidden inside him?  I have given my word.
 Yes, indeed, and your word I do accept, Sulein told him.  But I shall keep
safely under my guard
for you. That way, you will not forget to take me along whenever you leave for
the north.
 Eh? Sir Terent said, blinking and yawning.  What s that, m lord? Are we [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
