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three general classes, viz. (1) Personal Suggestion; (2) Thought Influence,
present and distant, and (3) Mesmeric or Hypnotic Influence. These three
forms shade into each other, and are generally combined, but it is well to
separate them here, that we may understand
Fourteen Lessons in Yogi
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1903-By Yogi
Philosophy and Oriental Occultism
This E-Book
them the better. We will take them up in turn, briefly.
Let us first consider Personal Suggestion. As we have said, this is most
common, and is constantly practiced more or less by all of us, and we
are all more or less affected by it. We will confine ourselves to the most
striking forms. Personal Suggestions are conveyed by the voice, the
manner, the appearance, etc. The Instinctive Mind takes for granted,
and accepts as truth the words, appearance and manners of the positive
person, and acts upon the same, according to degree of its receptivity.
This degree varies in persons, according to the degree to which they
have developed the "I" consciousness, as we have before stated. The
greater the amount of the "I" consciousness, the less the degree of
receptivity, unless the person is tired, his attention is distracted, is off
his guard, or voluntarily opens himself to the influence of the other's
mind or words.
The more positive or authoritative the suggestion the more readily is it
taken up by the receptive Instinctive Mind. Suggestion affects a person
not through his Intellect but through his Instinctive Mind - it operates
not by argument but by assertions, demands and commands.
Suggestions gain force by being repeated, and where one is not
influenced by a single suggestion, repeated suggestions along the same
lines have a much greater power. Some persons have cultivated such a
proficiency in the art of Suggestion that one has to be on his guard not
to unconsciously accept some of the subtle suggestions
Fourteen Lessons in Yogi
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1903-By Yogi
Philosophy and Oriental Occultism
This E-Book
insinuated into the conversation. But one who realizes the "I"
consciousness, or better still, the Real Self and its relation to All, has no
need to fear the power of the suggestionist, as the suggestions will not
be able to penetrate his well-guarded Instinctive Mind, or even if it does
lodge around the outer surface of the mind, it will soon be detected and
discarded with a smile of amusement. But, a word of caution; be on your
guard towards those who attempt to lead you not by argument or reason,
but by assertion, pretended authority, plausible manner and a general
"taking it for granted" way with you. Also keep your eye on those who
ask you questions and answer them in advance for you, thus: "You like
this pattern, don't you?" or "This is what you want, isn't it?" Suggestion
and assertion go hand in hand. You can generally tell a Suggestion by
the company it keeps.
Secondly, let us consider Thought Influence, present and distant. As we
have stated in previous lessons, every thought results in the projection
of thought-waves of greater or lesser strength, size and power. We have
explained how these thought-waves are sent forth, and how they are
received by another individual. We are all receiving thought-waves at all
times, but comparatively few affect us, as they are not in harmony with
our own thoughts, moods, character and tastes. We attract to our inner
consciousness only such thoughts as are in harmony with our own.
But, if we are of a negative character, and allow our Instinctive Mind to
go without
Fourteen Lessons in Yogi
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1903-By Yogi
Philosophy and Oriental Occultism
This E-Book
its proper master, and become too receptive, we are in danger of having it
accept, assimilate and act upon the passing thought-waves surrounding us.
We have explained the action of the thought-waves in other lessons, but we
did not point out this phase of the matter, preferring to take it up here. The
unguarded Instinctive Mind is not only affected by all sorts of passing
thought-waves, which are floated down to it, but is also peculiarly liable to
be affected by a strong, positive, conscious thought-wave directed toward it
by another who wishes to influence its owner. Everyone who is trying to
influence another person, for good or evil, unconsciously throws off
thought-waves of this kind with greater or less effect. And some who have
learned some of the rudimentary occult truths and have prostituted them
into Black Magic, consciously and deliberately send thought-waves towards
persons whom they wish to influence. And if the Instinctive Mind is
unguarded by its proper master, it is more or less apt to be affected by
these efforts of selfish and malicious minds.
The tales of Witchcraft days are not all mere delusions and superstitions,
but underneath the exaggerated reports and tales may be found a great
foundation of occult truth, readily recognized by the advanced occultist as
rudimentary occult power prostituted into Black Magic. All the combined
Black Magic or Witchcraft in the world could not affect a man or woman
who possessed the higher form of consciousness, but one of a fearful,
Fourteen Lessons in Yogi
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1903-By Yogi
Philosophy and Oriental Occultism
This E-Book
tious turn of mind, with little or no self-confidence or self-reliance, would be
apt to have an Instinctive Mind ready and ripe for the entrance of such
hurtful thought-waves or thought-forms. All the conjurations, "spells," etc.,
of the voodoos, "witches," conjurers, etc., etc., have no efficacy beyond the
thought sent out with their use - and the thought is made more powerful
because it is concentrated by means of the rites, ceremonies, "spells,"
images, etc., of the unholy devotees of Black Magic. But it would be just as
powerful if concentrated by some other means. But, no matter how
concentrated or sent forth, it can have no effect unless the Instinctive Mind
is ready to receive and assimilate it, and act upon it. The man or woman
"who knows" need have no fear of these practices. In fact, the very reading
of this lesson will clear away from many minds the receptivity which might
have, or has had, allowed them to be influenced to a greater or lesser
extent by the selfish thoughts of others. This, mind you, not because of
any virtue in this lesson (we are claiming nothing of the sort), but merely
because the reading of it has caused the student's mind to awaken to its
own power, and to assert itself.
Remember, the mind attracts only such thoughts as are harmonious with
its own thoughts - and the Instinctive Mind is influenced against its own
interests, only when its owner has admitted his own weakness and lack of
ability to master and guard it. You must guard your own Instinctive Mind,
Fourteen Lessons in Yogi
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1903-By Yogi
Philosophy and Oriental Occultism
This E-Book
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