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purpose, which Certificates are to be countersigned as
specified in the following Rule.
Blank forms 87. The Grand Secretary is to furnish to District Grand
of certificate
Masters Grand Lodge Certificates, with the necessary
to be
alterations in the form, signed and sealed, but in other
respects left blank; the blanks to be filled up by the
District Grand Master, or by his order. Such Grand
Lodge Certificates shall have attached to them the seal
of the District Grand Lodge, and be countersigned by
the District Grand Master, or his Deputy, and by the
District Grand Secretary.
Quarterly 88. The District Grand Master shall send to the Grand
return of
Secretary every three months on a Register Form to be
provided by the Grand Secretary a list of Grand
issued by
Lodge Certificates issued by him during the period
covered by the Form for inclusion in the Registers of
the Grand Lodge.
Remittance 89. The District Grand Master shall, with all reasonable
of dues
expedition, forward to the Grand Secretary the returns
received from the several Lodges in his District,
together with the amount payable thereon, so that the
money may be placed to the credit of the respective
Lodges in the Grand Lodge accounts.
Dispensation 90. In Lodges abroad a Brother may be advanced to a
to confer
higher degree at an interval of not less than one week
degrees at
instead of four weeks, as provided by Rule 172, but only
if and so far as authorised by a dispensation granted by
the District Grand Master in the case of a Lodge under a
District, or by or under the authority of the Grand
Master in the case of a Lodge not under a District.
91. In the case of Overseas Lodges not under a District, Groups of
the Grand Master shall have power to form them, or any
Lodges and
of them, into a group or groups, and to confer upon a
Brother or Brethren appointed by him such jurisdiction
as he may think fit in respect of any such group, or of
any such Overseas Lodges. The Grand Master shall, at
any time, and from time to time, have power to alter
such groups, to extend or limit such jurisdiction, and to
remove any Brother so appointed, and to appoint any
other Brother in his place. A Brother while holding such
appointment shall be styled Grand Inspector.
92. (a) The Grand Master may once a year confer the Overseas
Grand Rank
rank designated Overseas Grand Rank on Past Masters
in Lodges abroad not under a District who are members
of the Grand Lodge in accordance with Rule 9, to a
number not exceeding one for every complete 50
Freemasons in such Lodges registered in the books of
the Grand Lodge on 1 September of the preceding year.
On such occasions as shall seem to him proper either for
Masonic celebration or otherwise, the Grand Master
may confer Overseas Grand Rank on an additional
number of qualified Brethren. The Grand Master, to the
extent that the numbers permitted to be appointed to
Overseas Grand Rank under this Rule have not been
exceeded, may confer the rank designated Overseas
Rank on Master Masons in Lodges abroad not under a
District, the holders of such rank to take precedence
immediately after the Holders of Overseas Grand Rank;
and any such Brother shall, in the event that he becomes
a Past Master and thereby a member of the Grand Lodge
in accordance with Rule 9, thereupon become a Holder
of Overseas Grand Rank without the need for further
appointment. The Grand Master may also at his
discretion and without regard to the above limitation
confer Overseas Grand Rank on Past Masters in Lodges
abroad not under a District who are Officers (present or
past) of Provincial or District Grand Lodges or holders
of London Grand Rank. He may annually at his
discretion appoint Brethren who already hold Overseas
or London Grand Rank, or Past Provincial or District
Grand Officers, to be holders of Senior Overseas Grand
Rank. The holders of such respective ranks shall be
entitled to wear at all Masonic meetings the distinctive
regalia prescribed under Rules 246, 249, 260, 265 and
268, but can claim precedence as such only within the
Lodges in which Senior Overseas Grand Rank, Overseas
Grand Rank and Overseas Rank are conferred.
(b) Should the Grand Master be dissatisfied with
the conduct of any holder of Senior Overseas Grand
Rank, Overseas Grand Rank or Overseas Rank, he may
deprive him of his rank and privileges in the manner
provided in Rule 24.
93. A Registration Fee shall be paid into the Fund of
Grand Rank
General Purposes by each Past Master upon whom
fee Overseas Grand Rank is conferred.
94. Every application for a warrant to hold a new Petition for
Warrant for
Lodge must be by petition to the Grand Master, signed
new Lodge
by not less than seven Master Masons regularly
registered under the Constitution of the Grand Lodge.
Provided that in the case of petitions for Lodges to meet
in Districts, or abroad not within the territory of any
District Grand Lodge, it shall suffice if at least four-
sevenths in number of the signatories are Brethren so
registered, but no Brother not so registered shall sign
any petition unless he be regularly registered under the
Constitution of a Grand Lodge recognised by the Grand
Lodge, and shall at the same time declare in writing his
adherence to the Book of Constitutions, and promise due
obedience to the Grand Master and the Rules and
Regulations of the Grand Lodge. The petition must
specify every Lodge to which each signatory belongs
and every Lodge to which he has at any time belonged,
and in respect of each of the signatories be accompanied
by a Certificate in accordance with Rule 175 from every
such Lodge showing that he is not indebted to it. To
every such petition must be added a recommendation,
signed in open Lodge by the Master and Wardens of a
regular Lodge under the Grand Lodge with the approval
of a majority of the Brethren then present, and notice
that the petition is to be submitted for approval must
have been given on the summons convening the meeting
at which it is to be considered. The petition must then be
transmitted to the Grand Secretary for the decision of
the Grand Master, provided that, if the Lodge is
proposed to be holden in a Metropolitan Area, Province [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
