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 What if it wasn t a marriage of convenience, as you call it?
Sabrina blinked at him, stunned. Her heart did a slow roll in her chest. Butterflies kicked
up in her belly. She ruthlessly gave a silent order for
both to settle down. He didn t mean the question the way her needy heart hoped. He
couldn t possibly, and yet she dared to wonder.  What else
would it be, Brody?
He stared back at her for so long she didn t think he would respond. She saw so many
things swirling in his eyes, things she couldn t allow
herself to attempt to sort out.
 We ll figure it out at the end of the six months. He kissed her, a quick peck to her
cheek, then laid his head back on the mattress, arms still
holding her possessively against him.
Sabrina let a long silence stretch between them until her thoughts started to smash into
feelings she was trying her damnedest to control or
ignore.  You still haven t told me what is in this for you except sex at your disposal. She
couldn t see his expression, but she felt him flinch. Or
maybe she imagined that, too.
 I ve got my reasons, he said evasively.
 I m sure you do. You re not supposed to keep secrets from your wife. Sabrina tried to
go for flippant but knew she failed.
 You re only my wife by legality and convenience as you said.
The cold way he reminded her of that fact sent a chill skating down her spine.  You ve
got me there. Marrying me isn t keeping you out of a penal
institution no one knew you were headed for, right?
That got her a chuckle out of him.  You could answer that better than I can. Would the
IRS take our marriage as a likely reason for not slamming
the bars on me for my father s actions?
Sabrina relaxed back into his embrace, enjoying the way his hand started to caress her
from belly to breasts. He was easing the tension inside
her with that simple touch. He was drawing her back from the precipice of doubt and
wonderment she d been teetering on to a place where she
could truly ignore all her reservations at least for now.
 You won t need any reasons with the IRS, just money. Could that really be his motive
after all? Maybe he was more like his late father than she
thought. Maybe she wasn t falling for a hot, sensual, and dominant man she couldn t
have, but a gold-digging, conniving liar she really wouldn t want.
 I m leaning toward Rufus, Brody said after several long beats of silence.  What do you
Sabrina lifted her head again, this time turning her upper body so she could shoot him a
confused look.  What s a Rufus?
His grin came slow and devastating to everything female inside her.  It s not a what. It s
a who. Our son. Rufus Ignatius Holt. A good, sturdy,
country name, don t you think?
Sabrina barked a laugh.  You ve got to be kidding me.
He lifted a brow.  You got any better ideas?
 I m positive I ll think of some.
Chapter Nine
 James Tyler Holt. Now that s a good, sturdy, country name, Sabrina told her reflection
in the bathroom mirror.  Or Brody William after Brody
and my father, and we can call him Billy for short. She chewed her bottom lip as the
sound of the timer on the countertop ticked away the seconds.
 John, she continued to ramble off names, then shook her head.  No, that s even more
common than James and William. Colin. Now there s a
name that s become more popular but not overly done yet. She shook her head again.
 Na, Brody would never go for that one.
She turned from the mirror and paced the tiled floor in the matchbox room, wringing her
hands with each step.  I ve got to think of something he ll
go for. Rufus certainly won t do. She idly rubbed her flat tummy, not realizing where her
hand had landed until the timer dinged.
Sabrina whirled, her gaze instantly flying to the stick lying by the timer on the countertop
next to the sink. She gulped, pulse racing as she took a
tentative step toward the counter and stopped. She closed her eyes with the next step,
fear warring with hope in her system and making her
 For crying out loud, Sabrina, just look. She forced her eyes open, made her feet take
that final step close enough for her to view the tiny screen
on the stick. Her knees buckled at the sight of the single blue line. She caught the edge
of the counter, taking deep breaths and letting them out
slow as the realization hit home. They did it, and it hadn t taken six months. It barely
even took six weeks. She was pregnant.
She glanced down at her belly, circled her palm over the flat flesh, and imagined how it
would look, how it would feel in just a few short months.
 Wow, she breathed.  You re really in there, aren t you? Well, guess we should go tell
your daddy.
She reached for the door, pausing with her hand on the knob, and tipped her head back,
staring at the ceiling for a long moment. Nerves rocked
her insides. Hope she knew she had no business feeling wound around her heart. She
tamped it all down, forced herself to think logically through it,
and opened the door. The heart she fought so desperately to keep steady in her chest
did an aroused little thump when her gaze landed on Brody.
He lay in the center of her bed, back resting against the headboard, one leg bent at the
knee and the other stretched straight. He had removed his
boots when he entered her apartment, leaving his feet bare but for a pair of utilitarian
white socks. He wore faded jeans with a gray T-shirt lovingly
hugging every rippling muscle and inch of delicious flesh.
Would the mere sight of the man ever stop making her head go all wonky and her pussy
She doubted it.
One brow slowly lifted over a questioning eye.  Well? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
