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merely another way of expressing a religious bloody thought. You know, instead of giving
your mind away to dieties or whatever, you re giving your mind away to gurus or to bloody
external entities and stuff.
I m not saying that we should not look at this information, but we have to filter it through
our own  truth detector and come to our own truth, rather than having us be told by someone
else how we should live our lives and how we should think and how we should see the world.
And in so many areas the New-Age movement has become just another form of religion
and control. And I ll tell you what, in areas of the New-Age movement that I ve experienced,
you go against the  party line and you see what happens. You know, it s just like going
against the party line of Christianity or going against the party line of the Pope you get
jumped on by the majority.
And individualism, while they talk about the necessity for it, the desire for it, is constantly
crushed by the belief system of the group. It s interesting, you know, when I talk about this
in my talks, everywhere I go in the world I get applause from the audience. Because I think
people are starting to get sick of the New-Age movement, which is actually so often diverting
us from and suppressing us from the real truth of metaphysics. And the real truth is that WE,
as individuals, are in control of our destiny, and not external forces being in control.
And so, I think it s very important, in the years that we are in now, that we start to take
our individual sovereignty back and start to realize that we have the right to decide our truth
and live our truth, and not have another truth imposed upon us, whether it s the New-Age
movement, Christianity, Hinduism, Atheism, or whatever it is, because the whole basis of the
control is getting individuality subordinated to the group, getting individuality suppressed by
the majority, suppressed by the herd mentality.
There are two ways of solving the problem. We can find the solution to it, which is
actually not the best way, because for me the best way of solving a problem is removing the
cause of it and then it goes away. The cause of the few controlling the planet is people
giving their power away and not thinking for themselves and just following the one in front
without question. And, insisting and this is the key thing, stage two insisting that others
do the same, because once that happens, you create a situation in which whoever sets the
norms in the world, whether considered sane or insane, possible or impossible, moral or
immoral, whoever sets those norms runs the world.
This happens because of the overwhelming, vast majority of humanity who have given
their power away and given their thinking processes and individuality away, and will live
their lives in accordance with those dictated norms because they re not thinking or
questioning them.
Now, that s fine, that s a choice I don t have a problem with that. The key thing, as I
say, the people who succumb to those norms, they insist that those who don t want to do so
should also succumb to those norms. And, at that point, when you have the herd policing
itself, and making life unpleasant for those who wish to detach from it, at that point you have
the basis, and only at that point, you have the basis on which the few who set the norms can
run the world, because you get humanity becoming not just the sheep, but also the sheep-dog,
not just the prisoner, but also the prison guards. And only in that way, through thousands of
years to the present minute, has it been possible for a few to control the world.
So, for me, three things would change this and would dramatically transform the world
we live in for the better, because of all that would come from this. Those are:
One: as individuals, we step out of the fear of what other people think of us because that
is the prison that most people live in. And once you re in the fear of what someone else
thinks, you are not living YOUR life in YOUR truth; you are living someone else s version
of what they think you should be. In other words, you re in the herd now. If we step out
of the fear of what other people think, as individuals, and say, to use the title of one of my
books, I Am Me, I Am Free, and if you don t like it, that s fine you have a right not to
like it but this is me! At that point we cease to be a sheep. And if enough of us do it,
we cease to be a herd of sheep.
Second: we allow everyone else to express their uniqueness, even though it differs from
ours. You know,  What a crime; call the police; my goodness me, this person thinks
different than me! Once we do that, we cease to be a sheep dog for the rest of the herd.
Just those two things alone, and this whole edifice of imposed power starts to crumble
because the very basis of it is crumbling.
And third: the balance point, no one seeks to impose what they believe on anyone else,
so all are respecting everyone s free will, so that my belief is not imposed on anyone else.
That s the reason why whatever anyone says about me or says about what I write or what I
say, I am completely at peace with that because they have a right to think what they want to
think. They only need to respect my right to have the same honor of having my feelings
also honored, as my right to express them. This is why, when conspiracy theorists hurl
abuse at others who say something different, I think they ve lost the plot.
So, those three things would bring this edifice of power crumbling down, because
they re the three things, in reverse, that allow the few to run the world. If we didn t
concede our mentality to a herd mentality, and if we didn t insist that the people around us
did the same, and if we respected everyone s right to express their uniqueness without
having ours imposed upon them, then the ability of the few to control the planet would be
removed, immediately, because those three things have to be in place the herd mentality,
the herd policing itself, imposing your will on others.
If those three things are not in place, you can t control centrally, it s impossible. And
we have the ability and we have the choice, and that s all it is, now, to reverse those things, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
