They seem to make lots of good flash cms templates that has animation and sound.

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simply didn t question.
That stability of thought enabled her to look honestly at her life and know for certain she d always
belonged to someone. Still was a daughter, a sister, a granddaughter and now, unexpectedly enough,
a wife.
She began to laugh and he looked up from his computer where he d been working for part of the
morning.  Should I be worried?
 I was just anticipating the look on Beth s face. Makes me want to rub my hands together with
 You re now a higher rank than she is. That ought to make you giggle some more. Sadistic woman.
 She hurt my sister. I don t like that.
He looked up from the screen again.  I don t either. This isn t going to be totally easy, you know
that, right? Galen will be behind you, as will Renee. Gibson. Armando.
 Pretty much everyone but Carlos and Beth. She waved a hand as she stood.  Pffft. Don t care. I
have things to do. I need to work on some lesson plans. How about I meet you at your parents at
 How about no. I thought you were going to move in here?
 I am. I just figured it would take some time to get that all organized. In the meantime I still have a
job and stuff. I have to water my plants and do laundry. I m also totally in need of some mainte-
nance. I m sure you d love me with hairy legs. After all, you re all furry sometimes. But I need
some girl time.
 Gibson told me to inform you he ll get you all boxed up and moved in one day. You re safer here,
so he has an ulterior motive.
 Listen here, bossy, I need to be, you know, consulted on this stuff. Yes, yes, I agreed to move in
here. And why not? Hot cock on tap whenever I want it.
He laughed.
 It s a big-assed house. There are like super bodyguards all over the place. You have a great view,
and when I get my car, I can park it in a garage. So all in all, I support that. But don t think that just
because I m furry now and your mate or wife or whatever you want to call it, that you can push me
 I d never dream of it. He continued typing, and she knew he would shine her on to do exactly
what he wanted because he was that way. Luckily, she was that way too and would push him right
back. It made for pretty hot sex and she knew it was all well meaning. If she had a man who let her
push him around, it would be boring. Max was her equal, that was exciting.
 I ll speak with Gibson today. I m sure he ll be at dinner.
 Speaking of that, my mother called when you were in the shower. She made me promise to tell you
tonight will be a full jamboree gathering.
 What? I haven t even told Renee yet! She headed to the front door but of course he got there first.
 Where are you going?
 Okay, here s another thing we can t be doing. I need to be able to come and go without a list of
permissions. I have a thing about that. You know why. Also, back off. I can t tell my sister about all
this on the phone. Duh. I need to see her face to face. If she hears from other people, it ll hurt her
 Call her first. My father and mother know. Gibson knows. It ll trickle down. Then we can go over
She closed her eyes, seeking patience.  Max, I don t need you to go with me everywhere.
He stepped closer, nuzzling her, licking over the bite mark she d left exposed.  I know. But I like to
look at you. I like to watch you move and know I ve touched every part of your body. I like you and
my cat isn t quite ready to not be with you a lot.
 Oh your cat. Poor cat, gets the blame for all your bossy ways. She smiled, knowing he couldn t
see her face, but would feel it anyway.  Get your keys and let s roll. I m going over to Renee s now
whether you are or not. Your cat will have to deal.
 Sorry to get you guys up so early, Kendra said to Jack, who looked adorably rumpled.  I need to
talk to Renee.
 You re welcome here anytime, sweetness. He kissed the top of her head and paused a moment.  I
think I see why you re here.
 Yeah. Don t let her talk to anyone on the phone until I tell her myself. Apparently the cats are a
gossipy bunch and there s a hootenanny tonight to celebrate.
Max snorted.  There should be. Hey, Jack, got any coffee?
 Just made a pot. Go on through. Galen should be back shortly, he went for a run. Renee is in the
 Ren? she called out as she entered the bedroom.
 Kendra? Renee came out of the bathroom on a puff of steam.  Is everything all right?
 Yes. More than all right. I wanted to tell you myself. But Renee saw the mark and grinned widely.
 Get out! Yay, I m so pleased for you both. She hugged Kendra tight.  This is so awesome. How
awesome is it that you found your Mister Right and he also happens to be my Mister Right s broth-
 There s more.
Renee grinned.  There s always more with the de La Vega men.
 It looks like I took a cat. I don t know how. We were, well you know. He bit me and it was, wow,
awesome and all, and then it just happened. I mean, one moment I m in his bed all sex-exhausted,
and the next I m a freaking jaguar. I felt their magick, the energy of all the cats in their jamboree.
My magick is& changed. Max says he s never heard of anything like this. Ditto with Cesar and
Imogene, but Gibson s on the case so I m sure we ll have answers soon. He s one of the most ac-
complished and together people I ve ever met. Anyway, I need to talk to that witch who mated with
one of Gabe s wolves. Maybe he can tell me something, give me some insight. Rosemary and Mary
might be able to help too.
Renee simply stared at her.
 God. Do you hate me for not telling you right away? Are you mad that I took on a cat?
Renee burst out laughing.  No! I m trying not to be petty and not doing a very good job of it.
Both women laughed for some time about that.
 She s going to flip her lid. If she wasn t pregnant, I could be happier and maybe even taunt her.
But now, she s bearing the next generation of jaguar or some stupid shit like that, and I have to pre-
tend she s worthy of something nicer than a kick to the face.
Kendra grinned at her sister.  She s snotty. But there has to be a reason why. I mean, all the siblings
except for her, even Carlos, find a way of at least being civil. Anyway, she sucks on lemons and we
don t care. Plus Max says I rank higher than she does. I love that. I may have to mention how I had
no idea of that when she can hear it.
 You re such a bitch. It s why I love you so much. Renee kissed her forehead.  Max is out there? I
bet his cat is doing the pee-pee dance to come in here to check on you.
The laughter started anew.
 He can hear everything anyway. The nifty thing is, so can I.
 Yes, I can. And I ll have you know my cat does not do any such pee-pee dance, thank you very
much, Renee, Max called out from the other room.
 Come on. Let s go out there. I need coffee. Then I need to go back to my place and work a bit. Or
my old place. Whatever.
They walked out and both of them paused at the sight of Galen, mopping his bare upper body off
with his shirt, as he stood laughing and talking with Jack and Max.
 Hot damn. I think I just had some really dirty thoughts about your husbands.
Renee nodded.  Go on ahead, I have  em all the time.
 Well, you re not involved, though Max is. I promise there s no brother touching in this particular
filthy fantasy. Not between them anyway.
They looked up, three sets of wary, sexy, alpha male eyes locked on the two women. Kendra waved.
 Don t mind us. We re just objectifying you.
Max rolled his eyes but Galen walked toward her.  Christ. Max was right. He took her hands. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
