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emanating from the foes of mankind and trespassing deeply into human life, it will be
possible for help - and then in no small measure - to be given to mankind. Until that time
comes there is no such possibility.
I am well aware that these questions have been given a turn not always in the mind of the
one who asks them. But it is often the fate of occult science to be obliged to formulate the
questions in the right way before they can be correctly answered. Again do not take this
to mean that the mysterious connection between earthquakes and the karma of humanity
is a secret that cannot be investigated. It can be investigated but there are reasons why
only the most commonplace aspects of such questions can be presented to the world to-
day. Let the knowledge reach mankind through spiritual science that there is a connection
between the deeds of men and happenings in nature and then the time will come when
these things can be answered in the way the question demands. Spiritual science may
pass through many destinies; its influence may even be crippled, remaining within
narrow and restricted circles. Nevertheless it will make its way through mankind, will be
integrated into the karma of humanity, and then the possibility will be created for
individuals themselves to have an effect upon the karma of humanity as a whole.
Search for the New Isis, the Divine Sophia: The Quest for the Isis-Sophia
A lecture by Rudolf SteinerDornach, December 24, 1920GA 202
IN THE FESTIVAL of Christmas something is given to Christendom that directs the
thoughts of all circles of Christian people straight to the very deepest questions presented
by the evolution of humankind upon earth. Regard the evolution of history from whatever
point of view you will, take into consideration historical events in order to understand
human evolution, to penetrate the meaning of human evolution on earth - in all history
you will find no thought as widely understandable or having as much power to lift the
soul to this mystery of human evolution as the thought of the Mystery of Golgotha, as the
thought that is contained in the festival of Christmas.
When we look back upon the beginning of human evolution on earth, and follow it
through the thousands of years that preceded the Mystery of Golgotha, we find that,
although the achievements of the peoples in all the various nations were so great,
nevertheless, in reality all these achievements constituted only a kind of preparation -
they were a preparatory step toward what took place for the sake of humankind at the
Mystery of Golgotha. Furthermore, we find we can only understand what has happened
since the Mystery of Golgotha when we remember that the Christ who went through the
Mystery of Golgotha has played an active role in the evolution of humanity ever since.
Many things in human evolution may at first appear incomprehensible. However, if we
investigate them without narrow-minded superstition, for example the kind of
superstition that believes that unknown gods should come to the aid of human beings
without their active involvement, and that such aid should come just where human beings
consider it necessary - if we leave aside such views, we find that even the most painful
events in the course of world history can show us the significance and meaning that the
evolution of the earth has acquired through the fact that Christ went through the Mystery
of Golgotha. It is appropriate for us to study this Mystery of Golgotha - and the mystery
of Christmas belongs to it - from a point of view which can reveal, as it were, the
meaning of all of earthly humanity. We know how intimate the connection is between
what takes place in the moral-spiritual sphere of human evolution and what takes place in
nature. And with a certain understanding of this link between nature and the world's
moral order we can approach also another relationship with which we have been
concerned for many years - namely, the relationship of Christ Jesus to that being whose
outer reflection appears in the sun. The followers and representatives of the Christian [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
